Okay, so here's the deal. I came down to Boca Raton to see some friends and we went out with like 7 HB9s. There was this one that nobody had f*cked yet so I made her top priority. But here's the thing -
I hadn't slept much the night before and so instead of coming off as ****y/funny/assholish, I came off as just plain mean. Here's an example:
This girl is drinking wine through a straw and how could I not bust on someone for this?
Me: You're drinking wine through a straw?
Her: Yeah, it's cool, huh -
Me: (looking her in the eyes, with a totally straight face) No - it isn't.
So apparently that offended her. I don't blame her. It was just straight up mean. What I should have said is "Well, you know - I just would have taken you for the kind of girl who had a little class...that's all."
Her other friend came up and said I offended the chick. I played it off like I didn't care and she was just being too sensitive but I don't know how I can turn this back around.
So I talked to her a bit over the course of the night, but I think I just came off as a jerk last night.
I think it might be cool because at least I can "let her in" or something.
But if anybody has any ideas on how to turn this back around in my favour, let me know. I'm a little overwhealmed down here.
I hadn't slept much the night before and so instead of coming off as ****y/funny/assholish, I came off as just plain mean. Here's an example:
This girl is drinking wine through a straw and how could I not bust on someone for this?
Me: You're drinking wine through a straw?
Her: Yeah, it's cool, huh -
Me: (looking her in the eyes, with a totally straight face) No - it isn't.
So apparently that offended her. I don't blame her. It was just straight up mean. What I should have said is "Well, you know - I just would have taken you for the kind of girl who had a little class...that's all."
Her other friend came up and said I offended the chick. I played it off like I didn't care and she was just being too sensitive but I don't know how I can turn this back around.
So I talked to her a bit over the course of the night, but I think I just came off as a jerk last night.
I think it might be cool because at least I can "let her in" or something.
But if anybody has any ideas on how to turn this back around in my favour, let me know. I'm a little overwhealmed down here.