Aloofness is the best strategy if you want to know which woman is interested in you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Evan said:
Aloof doesn't mean to ignore women completely. It means or not give a **** whether or not she's attracted to you. You have more important things going on than whether or not she's attracted to you. You show interest and then you sit back and see how she reacts. Showing interest means approaching her, asking questions and seeing if she is good enough for you.
I would say that showing interest is the exact opposite of aloofness. Even if you show interest and then withdraw. But I agree the vast majority of guys have to show some interest.

There was one girl I remember who called me aloof - she was banging hot. I actually talked to her quite a lot, but only in a friendly manner, I never showed her any romantic interest. I could tell she wasn't my type. She was a big attention ho so that did kind of drive her crazy.


Apr 9, 2010
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I'm going to have to disagree. There's this girl in my class who was completely shy before I met her. She was dead silent and kept everything to herself. It was until I approached her and got together for a study group. When we met up at the library that weekend, she opened up and talked like there was no tomorrow which made conversing on my end very easy. However, this wouldn't have had happened if I didn't make my initial move. In fact, she would have been that same quiet girl in class if I remained aloof.

The fact is...If you're interested in a girl then go for it. Living a life of regret is not the way life is meant to be lived. Also repressing your emotions is unhealthy for you so go with your gut instincts.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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SeymourCake said:
The fact is...If you're interested in a girl then go for it. Living a life of regret is not the way life is meant to be lived. Also repressing your emotions is unhealthy for you so go with your gut instincts.
Nah bra. Fake it til ya make it crew checkin in. I'm not interested in anyone. I'm just gonna walk around acting aloof and avoid people as if I'm better than everyone and hope someone takes interest in me for no apparent reason. I mean, not that I actually care or anything.

... please god someone talk to me, please god someone talk to me...


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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A Lambo is a Lambo. They can only race against other Lambos.

A Mitsubishi is a Mitsubishi. But it can be tuned and modified to race against higher performance cars.

The secret is not to reach for what is unattainable. It is to race with the best you can.


Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
DiegoSantori said:
After gaining a lot of experience with women, I realized that the typical IOIs (deep eye contact, smiling, laughing at your jokes, etc.) don't have any meaning at all.

They could just flirt with you because they're enjoying your attention. It doesn't mean that they are really INTERESTED in you.

You save a lot of time and effort by being aloof, which means giving attention very rarely. I am convinced that it's only about the INITIAL INTEREST, which means that all that KINO, negging, teasing - stuff are trivialities that might be a bonus if she's interested, but are completely useless if there is no initial interest at all.

If you are focused on yourself and your own life instead of giving your attention to every beautiful lady that you come across, the women, that are really interested in you, will come to you. You're basically filtering the women with high initial interest from those with medium/low initial interest.

You might ask: But what if she's too shy to talk to you? Well, that's not your problem, it's her problem. And...honestly, do you really want a completely shy woman?

You're valuable, you're the prize, your attention is gold. Stop giving it to everyone like it's nothing. Dress well. Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence. Let women come to you, not the other way around.

Focus on boosting your status. Focus on money, focus on looks. Let women come to you while you are focused on yourself.

Lamborghini does not make advertisement. It doesn't have to. The customers come to Lamborghini, not the other way around.
What's it like to pee and sh it in your pants daily? Just curious.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Evan said:
Women want to be desired. They just don't want to be needed. Never make a women the center of your world.
Chew on this and its meaning. Commit this to memory.

Great line.