DJ_in_making said:
Oh boy! I was waiting for someone to say some crap like that......
what would you have done oh wise one?
I actually agree with him, so I'll take this one if you don't mind. Thank you.
Understand that she's having a bad day. She's working for people like you who really have no respect for her, you just want her to ring something up for you. You don't respect what she's doing for you. That she wakes up day in and day out so that you can get your sunglasses. People tell her off for the stupidest ****... And when it happens three or four times a day, you begin to stop caring about customer service. After all, the only time people really care about customer service is when it's poor. Then they have something to talk about with their friends.
I'm not trying to say that it's okay to treat your customers like **** by any means. In fact, it was uncalled for. However, I'm sure a lot of us have (or still do) worked with the public at one time or another. Fast food, Department stores, whatever. Most of us know that most people completely forget that the keyword in public service is SERVICE. Most people seem to forget that you're doing them a service and don't even treat you like people. The treat you like you're supposed to be some trained mutt, programmed to give them a ******* if they ask for it.
I explain the above to get you in the mindset of where she's coming from so that when this happens to you, you respond with a SMILE. An "I know what you're going through and I'm not your enemy" smile. Especially if (like this guy) your original plan was to hit on her. If your plan originally is to hit on her, you don't want to come off as another customer. You want to come off as someone who understands. Regular customers = The enemy. Friendly customers = The ally.
So, instead of responding with anger... You respond with friendliness and kindness. "What do you want?!" (smile with kindness) "Relax. I just want to buy these glasses" (she looks at the price tag) "You realize these are $15?" (smile and respond with either...) "Yes, I realized the price." or "No, I didn't realize that. Thank you for being so helpful". (this can now be followed up with) "Anyway, what do you think of the glasses?" (game mode activated).
No matter how much of a b*tch she is, be friendly. It's respected by her, it's respected by the other customers in the store (because news flash, when you walked away the customers sided with her, not you... And if there were any other hotties in there, you just looked like a complete jackass). No matter how much of a b*tch she was... You respond with friendliness. Not hostility. Friendliness is admirable. Hostility is pathetic. And even if she doesn't respect that... Everyone else around you does. Why is this good? Because everybody is watching you to see how you can handle yourself. They want to have a story to talk about with their friends. "The guy was a complete jerk to the lady" or "No matter how much of a b*tch she was to him, he just sat there and smiled". They want to give the better person a pat on the back and tell them good job on handling the situation. She got the pat on the back. You got laughter from your friends. Had you responded with kindness, you would have gotten the pat on the back and a possible new friend or even better, a better female target.