ElStud said:
But like dude said, he wasn't even groping him. And he even mentioned giving hugs. Dude, I hug my grandma, I hug my mother, does that mean anything sexual? No. Police here were douchbags.
Technically, a hug could be sexual assault if the breasts are D size or higher because they are rubbing against your chest and are deriving sexual energies. If it's your family, then obviously they are not going to charge you. Even if nothing sexual occured you still have an assault charge.
I'm saying, if they want to bring a charge, they certainly can and make life hell for people. If you got charged with sexual assault or harassment, your reputation is down the tubes and your physical safety is left to the mercy of the criminal system.
LIke I said before, a police can charge someone or a group for loitering and tresspassing if they just see a group of people idle and looking like they are having fun and they just don't like them and want to cause trouble for someone. If someone objects to the police, they can just pull out a Taser and zap them and hopefully they don't go into cardio arrest and die. If the group wasn't out just minding their own business going trick-or-treating and sticking to themselves, then you've got that sort of charge.
That's what makes cold approaching dangerous sometimes. Sarging could be construed as loitering if you are wandering aimlessly looking for a woman to talk to. Approaching people with an intended purpose to talk to them could be construed as harassment or sexual harrassment or even solicitation. Touching someone could be assault or sexual assault. Even if the charge doesn't ultimatley stick in court, just being in that system is very dangrous.
Now, the liklihood is, if you don't grope women or touch their breasts and don't get too persistent with a stranger who is showing some resistance, you'll probably be okay, but with all these types of laws, racial profiling, and discretionary powers given by these ambigious or grey area sets of laws, there is always some element of legal risk when talking with women doing purely cold approaches that you don't know from an established social circle.
Do I personally take these laws seriously? Of course not. I talk to strangers all the time to solicit them for business. I hand out my business card. Never got charged for solicitation although it's prohibited in most public shopping places or malls. Stupid laws are meant to be broken. I break advertising laws most of the time too to promote my business. And yeah - lots of people on here probably take plenty of calculated risks in their seductions, but if the seduction really goes bad, they could be in legal hot water.
ElStud said:
And yes, it's sexual harassment if the flirting is unwelcome, but most likely she'll only tell if she told you no and ya kept going. And being the guy I am, I'm not even worried about that stuff cause I see it all as practicing my game.
How do you know the 'no' is not a sh1t test. How about the anti-slvt defence or last minute resistance? How many player stuff on this board teaches game that virtually plays with fire?
If people were to follow the letter of the law it seems they wouldn't get laid or get anywhere. They would have to take a contract out, and not only ask a woman permission before kissing her, but would have to ask her to sign an express consent form stating that it's okay to kiss her. I mean everything would have to be in writing, tape-recorded in video and audio, otherwise you are never 100% safe.
Again, this is from a standpoint that people are discouraged from asking for permission to kiss or sex because that kills the mood, or it doesn't work very well in seduction - yet without that permission or ascertaining she is really ready, you are taking a calculated legal risk for a serious charge.
Like I said before, I know there has to be a balance somewhere, because you don't want to live in a straigt-jacket and have an invisible ten foot pole around you because it just a game-killer. But then again, when running game directly puts yourself up to legal risks and mine-fields, then it could start becoming a dangerous game.
I don't know any game involving women that's completely risk free unless you are paying a prostitute because a woman can make up charges at any time. Maybe if you hit on immigrant woman that cant speak English and would be inimidated by the legal system you have less worried or something. I hear people grope Muslim women back in my town since they don't complain to the cops as it's contrary to their religion. But you wouldn't want to get that low to target women who you know won't complain because you just become a low-life when you do that stuff anyway.
So when gaming, deal with women who don't habitually cry to the police - use that as part of your 'prequalifying'.