All women are sluts


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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Klippymitch said:
I beleive people have different levels of conciousness. Im going to try and brainstorm and list what I beleive are some stages of conciousness.

1. Self-awareness - You are aware of yourself but are not as aware of others. They rarely bother to try to see in the eyes of others and rarely try to imagine the feelings of others. People in this stage usually take advantage of people and feel little shame.

2. Awareness of others - People in this stage fully realize that every human on this planet is living life just as they are. They realize others feel emotions and pain and they might even help others when others are not feeling well. They make sure that their actions have as little negative effects to others as suitably possible.

Okay that was very vague and it's alot more complicated than this but this will give you an idea of what Im talking about. But the deal is I beleive that it could be possible that women are more likely to be less aware of others than men. People that cheat feel no pain and dont even think about the emotional damage that the spouse will receive from her actions.
I think your identification of the poles is essentially correct but maybe think of it as a spectrum (indiscrete) rather than discrete categories?


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ripper said:
I think your identification of the poles is essentially correct but maybe think of it as a spectrum (indiscrete) rather than discrete categories?
I like it. good idea.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
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Newmarket, Ontario
Ripper said:
I think your identification of the poles is essentially correct but maybe think of it as a spectrum (indiscrete) rather than discrete categories?

leave the pole identification to the sluts whom we are discussing :nono:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
leave the pole identification to the sluts whom we are discussing :nono:
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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Where do I start? SoSuave has helped me immensely in refining and fine tuning my game. I never had trouble getting girls before, I'm a good lucking guy and pretty confident naturally. My own problem was that I always fell for girls to easily and became consumed by my love for them which eventually lead to the destruction of the relationship. Now what I've noticed that when dating younger girls (16-17, I'm 18) is that they always talk about how they want a RELATIONSHIP. Now prior to this site and a girl breaking my heart over the summer I would have thought this was a good thing but now I have a huge barrier in which I feel girls have to cross before I even consider having a relationship with a girl. Now with younger girls who have no real experience in relationships (I.E. virgins) i have to assume that when they say they don't cheat and don't do bad things (like **** 10 different dudes or play games) its because of sheer innocence and because they don't know any better. But then again maybe there are girls out there that just aren't slutty like that? Just like there are guys that are cheaters that aren't and some that are, it depends on the person. But is this part of the risk I should be willing to take? I also know that they aren't just saying this to impress me because I usually make it clear that I'm not in a relationship and I see many girls so they know I'm not the relationship type. I also know with Virgins you have to invest an amount a certain amount of time and build trust with these girls before anything happens. I'm just wondering if I allow myself too be in a relationship with a girl who is inexperienced and dosent know what I know and believe what she says about not cheating and not being a slut would I just be fooling myself because I know what girls nature is truly like? Or should I just follow my own intuition and continue to stay cautious if a relationship ever develops. I know for A FACT with girls that aren't virgins and are experienced I know to be extremely cautious but with inexperienced girls it seems different...any input would be appreciated...