All women are sluts


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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Ready for a perspective change? Women are sluts.

First, read this story.

Now I want you to pay close attention to this part:

One friend in particular summed it up: "At least you had this realization. Most guys go through life being blissfully ignorant. My girlfriends who juggle a lot of guys are the ones who don't give off any slutty vibe...which is how they totally get away with it. Every guy they are with thinks they've got the perfect situation--a sweet girl who comes over at midnight once or twice a week because that's all she wants. They don't understand that she's got the same perfect arrangement with four other guys."

I futilely tried to maintain that giving me head was so good that women actually wanted to do it and didn't care about getting anything back, but she just laughed. And she's right to laugh.

Not that sucking my **** is some chore--believe me I WISH I could go down on myself--but the idea that any guy is so much better than other guys that he is above the cuckoldry of a woman is ridiculous on face. Believe me guys: No matter how good you are, some girl has played you...and you probably didn't even realize it.

Don't think about this question for too long fellas, or it will drive you nuts. I fixated on it for a whole night and ended up dancing with myself in a mirror for an hour and then woke up in a public park with vomit crusted to my face and dog **** stuck to my head--trust me on this.
Everyone has a different moral compass - hence we got people who think fukking around is OK, and then we got people who save themselves till marriage (idiots). But the thing is, when it comes to women what one says is not what one does. Rather, what one feels is what one decides to do.

I too used to think I was hot sh1t. I mean I am a pretty cool guy so when I was banging a hot girl regularly, I figured I was her only one and it was all cool. I didn't want a relationship with her, but we had so much sex that I figured there would simply not be any time for any other guys. The thought barely even crossed my mind, even though I HAVE FUKKED HER THE NEXT DAY AFTER MY FRIEND FUKKED HER. So, one day I pull a condom out of her cooch. That changed perspectives quick for me, even though I was pretty aware of cuckoldry, this made it even more evident.

Then I talked with my friends.

One was giving insane orgasms to the girl who's long term bf was overseas. She would come over and pass out from orgasms, then go out with all of us and be this nice and sweet girl. Last thing I've heard the girl is getting married next year, and her fiancé will never know.

My other friend had slept with more than a dozen girls with boyfriends. One of them was a girl who came to visit her bf in college. My friend told her she had the most amazing tits and gave her the room number. That night she snuck out of her boyfriend's bed and came over to fukk all night.

My third friend is having sex with a married woman who is 7 years older and is hot.

I've had sex with a girl who was actually a month pregnant, and she CALLED THE GUY RIGHT BEFORE WE HAD SEX TO TELL HIM THAT SHE IS GOING TO CHEAT.

I can't even possibly describe all the other incidents that I've witnessed of had been a part of in my relatively short life. Such examples include:

A girl fukking 3 random guys at my party. Another fukking 2. One girl making out with 8 people at my party while her bf was there. Me feeling up tits/making out with numerous chicks who had a bf. Me having girls ask me to "not tell anyone about this", girls fukking one guy then going out and going home with another guy! All that sh1t you can think of.

I remember back when I was in Mystery's Lounge Affection posted about sexual revolution, and the importance of getting with it. He basically pointed out that people fukk often and without moral obligations, and if you want to enjoy the game, you should get the idea in mind that sex is detached from love.

I am not condemning being a slut, there are many many guys who do exactly the same things as mentioned above. But I do want you guys to recognize that there is a VERY large number of girls out there who will fukk around when given the opportunity.

I don't know if there is a solution - after all you could chain your S.O. and interrogate her everytime she is gone for more than 5 mins, or you could just accept the idea that sh1t like this happens, and it is likely to happen to you.

By the way, did you know that 10% of the new born babies do not belong to their original fathers? It could be me, it could be you.

You could easily reap the rewards from accepting this new perspective. There is a vast amount of pu$$y that is attainable even though someone else had previously claimed it. Just don't buy into the idea of the one and only unless you have known the girl very well for a very long period of time.

Oh, and if you want to avoid girls like this, look at her behavior:

If you ****ed her soon after another guy ****ed her, she’s a slut. If it was too easy, she is a slut. (NOT THE AMOUNT OF TIME YOU HAD TO WAIT. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.) If she is friendly with a lot of guys, be cautious. If she has all male friends, seal, stamp and send off.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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do you think this applies to all girls and has applied for years and years, or do you think this is a recent transgression that has spawned from our society?

I believe you somewhat, but there are women like my mom and (some of) my friends moms who I know absolutely love their husbands and hate cheating. So do you think it is something with today's girls? Or, more specifically, today's american girls?
Dec 5, 2006
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basically, you know a chick is not a slut if she won't put out for a while. But then she is a prude. So, there is a contradictory dilemma there. There are always exceptions to both (as I have found a few times), but you are correct that the MAJORITY of chicks do what you just described.

One of the BEST kinds of girls to find are the ones that won't put out for a month or two, but you still date them, and when you end up having sex with her, then from there on out you can **** like bunnies. That my friends, is called a VIRGIN. (I have had several of those, and I have no doubt I was the only one ****ing them).

Signs that you ARE the only guy that is ****ing the chick that you are currently ****ing:

1)she never seems busy and is willing to see you whenever you want.
2)She hangs out with the girls alot, barely any guy friends.
3)She does not have a myspace or any other online profile
4)She doesn't care if you look through her phone (A girl who will be defensive about it is obviously calling and seeing other guys)
5)She is not loose!! ;)
6)If she says something along the lines of "come over any time you want"

you all get the point.....


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
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Newmarket, Ontario
you know its funny

today in Personal Wellness class, we talked about contraception

turns out, every girl in the class is an expert on the subject.

Men are the played.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home






Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
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Newmarket, Ontario
true, but women tend to make men feel guilty for cheating, whereas women usually rationalize it enough with their bizarre thought patterns, to make it impossible for the guy to guilt them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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i feel guilty though because i supported girls like this..

i still remember that day like it was a month ago, she was ontop of me.. then her phone rang. it was her bf.. she told him she was busy and she had to call him later..

funny thing is that i was in that guys place a year ago. i call my girl and she was acting aloof. told me she would call me back later. but little did i know she was with her 'friend" only them two. alone.

i say Most of the girls are dumb and young. they want to explore. go beyond their limits. they wanna experience things.. good AND bad. they wanna be heart broken.and at the same time they wanna be loved. they want 4 c0cks in their mouths at the same time have one special guy at home..

they lack ALOT of common sense and self respect but as they grow up. they relize the dumb **** they did and the relize they need to stop.. then they slowly mature.. but its not like all girls act like this. they all dont have the capablity of relazing.. if they did then the divorce rate wouldnt be 50 percent


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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SamePendo said:




There's a special movement that would be perfect for you...hmmm what's it called...oh yeah, that's it...




Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
Girls are pretty shrewd and deceiving that's why you can't really take them too seriously and don't waste your time being too nice or any of that crap. I like my girlfriend a lot but there's been 1 or 2 red flags that I've taken note of and I'm watching out for. Indifference is your only tool.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Brak86 said:
do you think this applies to all girls and has applied for years and years, or do you think this is a recent transgression that has spawned from our society?

I believe you somewhat, but there are women like my mom and (some of) my friends moms who I know absolutely love their husbands and hate cheating. So do you think it is something with today's girls? Or, more specifically, today's american girls?
I would agree totally with this. The older generations did have sluts of course but it's THIS generation that's the worst.. And it's not just american girls, although they're some of the worst - I'd say british girls are even worse. in Britain I'd blame the 80's (which spawned the parents of today) and Maggie. Society lost a lot of its values during her reign.

I would never tar all women with the same brush either. Most young women today are sluts but there are exceptions who are and will be faithful until the end.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Isn't that the nature of the game? I mean honestly how many guys are satisfied sleeing with just one girl? I know the double standard exist where if a guy sleeps with multiple girls, he's viewed as a player and a girl in the same situation is a sl*t but lets be real here, even with the double standard it's just the reality of the game. Some guys are only going to sleep with one or two girls over their lifetime and some girls the like. I don't see any reason why it's unreasonable for a girl to sleep with whom ever she wants as long as she's safe about it and the same is true for men.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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PRMoon said:
Isn't that the nature of the game? I mean honestly how many guys are satisfied sleeing with just one girl? I know the double standard exist where if a guy sleeps with multiple girls, he's viewed as a player and a girl in the same situation is a sl*t but lets be real here, even with the double standard it's just the reality of the game. Some guys are only going to sleep with one or two girls over their lifetime and some girls the like. I don't see any reason why it's unreasonable for a girl to sleep with whom ever she wants as long as she's safe about it and the same is true for men.
I agree too.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Every guy wants a slut, he just wants her to be his slut.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
PRMoon said:
Isn't that the nature of the game? I mean honestly how many guys are satisfied sleeing with just one girl? I know the double standard exist where if a guy sleeps with multiple girls, he's viewed as a player and a girl in the same situation is a sl*t but lets be real here, even with the double standard it's just the reality of the game. Some guys are only going to sleep with one or two girls over their lifetime and some girls the like. I don't see any reason why it's unreasonable for a girl to sleep with whom ever she wants as long as she's safe about it and the same is true for men.
I think what's "surprising" about all of this is how often girls will sleep with different guys.....while in a relationship. Basically, how many girls cheat. Just fukking multiple people while not staying committed is one thing, but fukking other people on the side while in a relationship is another. It's just that the reality of girls and their sluttiness/unfaithfulness blows the long-held belief that "girls are sweet and innocent compared to guys" out of the water, and many guys don't want to accept it.

Every guy wants a slut, he just wants her to be his slut.
Sluts are by definition not faithful or stick to one partner,


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Scrumtulescence said:
I think what's "surprising" about all of this is how often girls will sleep with different guys.....while in a relationship.
Wait wait wait. This makes no sense. Essentially you're saying the MAJORITY of women will cheat in a relationship. Even if it is true, you'd be likely to find similar if not greater numbers for men who also cheat while in relationships. Concidering women tend to mate wisely and men widely because of the lack of severity of conciquences ie can't get pregnant, it's that much easier for a man to cheat then it would be for a woman.

If that's how you define "slut" then we're actually more guilty then they are.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
PRMoon said:
Wait wait wait. This makes no sense. Essentially you're saying the MAJORITY of women will cheat in a relationship. Even if it is true, you'd be likely to find similar if not greater numbers for men who also cheat while in relationships. Concidering women tend to mate wisely and men widely because of the lack of severity of conciquences ie can't get pregnant, it's that much easier for a man to cheat then it would be for a woman.

If that's how you define "slut" then we're actually more guilty then they are.
I never said "all women", I just said "how often women will do it" is greater than men realize. And the realities of female cheating are probably a lot more shocking than male cheating.

Also, while men may cheat more than women, the gap between male cheating and female cheating is a lot closer than people think. People treat (maybe not so much anymore) women as these saintly bastions of fidelity compared to men, when that is simply not in line with reality at all.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
Scrumtulescence said:
I never said "all women", I just said "how often women will do it" is greater than men realize. And the realities of female cheating are probably a lot more shocking than male cheating.

Also, while men may cheat more than women, the gap between male cheating and female cheating is a lot closer than people think. People treat (maybe not so much anymore) women as these saintly bastions of fidelity compared to men, when that is simply not in line with reality at all.
True women are just as bad as men when it comes to cheating. Who here has had a girlfriend who has cheated on you or had a new boyfriend a week after dumping your a$$? Open your eyes.