All true DJ's please read and help, really need advice here


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
Alwaysgoinforthebest said:
Played it quite well in the beginning with a girl, we dated, danced begun all good, no kissing.. Her ex boyfriend came in the picture and punched her, I fought him when I saw that..

After that I cooled down and went a bit cold on her, she contacted me we started texting again. She started to send me mixed signals, tho we dated. This date went worse we were cold on each other somehow. A few days passed she started to text again I felt for it and texted back, showed her that I cared about her. At school she acted like we didn't date and after school she texts me constantly if I didn't text her. She mostly started the texting tho. After the first date not much sexual attraction any more.

We set off a third date, she asked for it. We had a great time, she holded my hand and stuff, in the end I tried to kiss her but she declined telling me 'just not' ready. Texted her why not? She told me because of my ex, can't be with some1 if hes still after me, threathening me and stuff. pls believe me its not coz of you just give me more time, we should talk in real life.. to be continued. At school i acted pissed wasnt the nice guy anymore and made fun of her a bit and commanding her. She left the class mad after a couple of hours, we did an assignment together. I texted her she ignored me, last dayat school i went to her and told her i care about you but if u keep doin this to people youll be a loner. After that we had fun again, talked a bit fooled around then i told her see you next year have fun. After that we didnt text for almost 10days now.. What is goin on? btw im 100% sure she follows every step i take, everytime i get online on the text application she gets online, if i change my profile pic with a girl or anything she gets online and her friends too.

Any1 an idea how to get her to text me again and is it stupid to contact her again? btw im goin to see her in about 1 week goin to have 2 very last exams with her.
Mate she doesn't sound worth the time at all. Sort yourself out first, get your exams, get your image and mindset changed and sort your life out before you even start thinking about this girl again.

Big Nuts

Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2013
Reaction score
She's into her other boyfriend because he is a thug. She is a slave to her delusions that she can change him. You are option number 2 if the boyfriend becomes totally out of control.

That he is a possessive violent a$$hole only makes her more committed to changing him. If he becomes good (and he won't) then that will validate her power over him.

Incidence like these will drive men crazy and haven driven men crazy for eons. In my experience, I'd cut her loose.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
It looks like she's using you to get her ex-boyfriend jealous.