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Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Ultimate Player said:
internal structure of good game - theres only ONE way to figure this out, and it is through tons and tons of your own experience

advice from idiots who feed you theory will get you NOWHERE

which is why i stress EXPERIENCE and why i HATE the concept of OVERANALYZING!!!
You need to calm down dude lol!

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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theres one of these threads every few weeks and guess doesn't anything to the forum either. I always find it funny when people get so worked up over a discussion board on a website, I only read/post once every week or two, chillax and go for a walk or something

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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meitenesrigas said:
You are an idiot. Coming from Utah don't you remember that fat coach Rick Majerus?

You think he was a stud ball player? Doing and coaching are two different beasts.
Who said the nerd in the back of the class knows how to coach?

Think before you start insulting people over the internet. What are you, twelve years old? Keep it civilized or shut up. Don't be a troll.
Feb 17, 2008
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The Inside Man said:
theres one of these threads every few weeks and guess doesn't anything to the forum either. I always find it funny when people get so worked up over a discussion board on a website, I only read/post once every week or two, chillax and go for a walk or something

damn my bad, i had sex with my girlfriend 6 times last night/this mornign and decided to stay in today, i felt like trying to make this a better place so guys who are chumps can rise up and learn a few things on how to truly game women, and lemme tell ya, THEORY without practice is going to do jack shyt!

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
thats is true, you already said that. How are posts like your last one, and this whole thread, making this place better? Offer some of your experiential advice then instead of just whining.

Here I'll do it instead. When you get a girls # don't follow the 3 day rule, call her that night or the next night so she remembers you and you don't seem like you're following some preset rule. Yes that is field tested it's what I always do when I get numbers.

When making out with a girl vary the speed and tempo, and run your hands along the sides of her body so you barely graze the side of her boobs before you move to full on boob squeezin. It's all about creating that anticipation physically.

90% of human communication is nonverbal

Don't follow preset routines, develop the ability to strike up a conversation with anyone.

A concept from sales that applies to PU: CPR-Create Personal Relationship. If you are genuine and create a genuine personal relationship or connection with the person instead of reciting memorized routines, you have a better chance of getting the close. And of course ABC-always be closing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
The Inside Man said:
thats is true, you already said that. How are posts like your last one, and this whole thread, making this place better? Offer some of your experiential advice then instead of just whining.

Here I'll do it instead. When you get a girls # don't follow the 3 day rule, call her that night or the next night so she remembers you and you don't seem like you're following some preset rule. Yes that is field tested it's what I always do when I get numbers.

When making out with a girl vary the speed and tempo, and run your hands along the sides of her body so you barely graze the side of her boobs before you move to full on boob squeezin. It's all about creating that anticipation physically.

90% of human communication is nonverbal

Don't follow preset routines, develop the ability to strike up a conversation with anyone.

A concept from sales that applies to PU: CPR-Create Personal Relationship. If you are genuine and create a genuine personal relationship or connection with the person instead of reciting memorized routines, you have a better chance of getting the close. And of course ABC-always be closing.
The thing is he has been giving advice for years on here, but most of the geeks on here overanalize his sh!t and put all their energy into proving him wrong instead of actually trying out what he says and trying to get laid...
Feb 17, 2008
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ChrizZ said:
The thing is he has been giving advice for years on here, but most of the geeks on here overanalize his sh!t and put all their energy into proving him wrong instead of actually trying out what he says and trying to get laid...

however, im glad to have helped some people on here

coincidentally, the ones that i have helped have barely posted on here again asking for any advice

also, my post makes this place better because it HOPEFULLY opens peoples eyes and helps weed out the fakes who never have any success that they can post advice relating to


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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zinc64 said:
I have slept with somewhere right below of above 30 and I'm 27. I lost count at 20 something. Don't know if I have any great advice, though, besides to have fun and maintain a good hobby or interest outside of women.....something you care about a lot.
Well I care about learning to play guitar like Slash but women don't drop their pants when they hear that. Can you expand on it ?

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Okay, if you think so, but ive been browsing here for awhile and I see the same type of "clean up this place" posts, and there will always be posers giving advice and posting on here. so like I said just post some actual advice.
Feb 17, 2008
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DonJuan11 said:
Well I care about learning to play guitar like Slash but women don't drop their pants when they hear that. Can you expand on it ?
basic social skills (aka not acting like a geek)

you cant get advice on HOW to do it, you just need to get experience

which YOU donjuan11 dont get, because you already accept yourself as a failure
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
The Inside Man said:
Okay, if you think so, but ive been browsing here for awhile and I see the same type of "clean up this place" posts, and there will always be posers giving advice and posting on here. so like I said just post some actual advice.

i did, and i have, and i have before under my old user names.......ive posted tons of advice which people learned from, including approach anxiety advice, hot to seal the deal advice, how to act like a man advice, ect ect ect........some get it, and some just come here to bring this place DOWN with their geeky theories and bullshyt posts despite them never ever having real success!

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Once again I agree with you. I didn't know you had other usernames and it's good that you are a contributor. I just don't think telling people to stop posting if they are frauds is really going to change anything. There will always be the nerds who KJ and whine about their problems constantly. Thats why I mainly read posts in the mature man forum but that has seen it's share too.
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
The Inside Man said:
Once again I agree with you. I didn't know you had other usernames and it's good that you are a contributor. I just don't think telling people to stop posting if they are frauds is really going to change anything. There will always be the nerds who KJ and whine about their problems constantly. Thats why I mainly read posts in the mature man forum but that has seen it's share too.

its just, the guys who have no experience, they gotta stick to asking questions, and then going out, getting experience, and learning........they shouldnt check in on someones thread and give someone advice on how to act in order to get laid/keep a girl/when to call ect ect ect


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Ultimate Player said:
basic social skills (aka not acting like a geek)

you cant get advice on HOW to do it, you just need to get experience
I don't understand your logic. What is not acting like a geek? Not being 6'1? Not being ripped? Not having a six pack? Not having a sister? You can't just make a blanket statement and not back it up.

Ok you can't get advice on how to sleep with women, you just have to get experience. If I say I'm the Ultimate Rich Guy and I can't give you advice on how to make 10 million dollars, but I tell you that you have to get experience on how to make 1 million and then the 10 million will come a lot easier, what person trying to get rich is going to accept that logic? They would think I'm a fraud.

You have to explain yourself.
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
I don't understand your logic. What is not acting like a geek? Not being 6'1? Not being ripped? Not having a six pack? Not having a sister? You can't just make a blanket statement and not back it up.

Ok you can't get advice on how to sleep with women, you just have to get experience. If I say I'm the Ultimate Rich Guy and I can't give you advice on how to make 10 million dollars, but I tell you that you have to get experience on how to make 1 million and then the 10 million will come a lot easier, what person trying to get rich is going to accept that logic? They would think I'm a fraud.

You have to explain yourself.

you cant keep thinking like a robot, u gotta socialize and be laid back and cool, easy going, u cant be a bitter geek, u gotta snap out of it!!!

the only way to do that is to GET OUT THERE AND GET EXPERIENCE!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
And just so ya'll know... if there's any confusion - i have nothing to do with Vladimir Herzovich or watever... NOT me!


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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DonJuan11 said:
I don't understand your logic. What is not acting like a geek? Not being 6'1? Not being ripped? Not having a six pack? Not having a sister? You can't just make a blanket statement and not back it up.

Ok you can't get advice on how to sleep with women, you just have to get experience. If I say I'm the Ultimate Rich Guy and I can't give you advice on how to make 10 million dollars, but I tell you that you have to get experience on how to make 1 million and then the 10 million will come a lot easier, what person trying to get rich is going to accept that logic? They would think I'm a fraud.

You have to explain yourself.
lol you're stereotyping what is a geek and what is a jock, you're body language and persona tell you if you're a geek or not, not if you have a six pack or not, some of the coolest guys i know are over weight. You're overanalysing, going by the manual of what a cool guy is. Yeah we live in a stereotypical world, if you join chess club tuck your shirt in and wear glasses you're gonna be classed as a geek. You've gotta be your own person and not let anyone pigeon hole you into one group. Some people have said about me You're a geeky emo jock preppy guy, cause i do what i want, dont think about what youre doing, just do it, the girls will come and its ok to post advice as long as its not stupid its peoples lives were dealing with here lol
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Ultimate Player said:
i had sex with my girlfriend 6 times last night/this morning
Holy crap, is she still alive?? :D
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