r0cky said:
Why do we need wealth?
It provides us with possesions, a 'better life', allows us to travel, etc.
Do you mean "wealth" or "money"?
"Money" is just a means of exchange.
If I could barter my services and directly get the things I wanted, I'd have no need for money. The thing is, not everyone has a need for what I have to offer. Money provides a way of converting the value I provide into something I can exchange for something from someone else. That's all.
Sure, we COULD all live a simple, animal life...as I said, living in a hand-built hut somewhere in the woods, gathering nuts and berries and killing our own food. That's a functional society.
But we wouldn't have the quality of life we have today.
We would not have modern medicine...we'd have herbal medicine and crude practices, which would work for simple ailments, but not for more serious stuff.
We would not have the ability to transport ourselves over long distances except by days of grueling journey. Remember Oregon Trail? That's how people did things before corporations gave us the automobile and oil infrastructure, to say nothing of the rails and the airlines.
We would not be able to communicate as effectively without telephones, TV, the Internet, etc. While some "disconnection" is a good thing for some people, in the long run these things have made life easy and fun.
Do you remember phone books? Mail-order catalogs? Shopping and trying to FIND gifts? Do you remember asking for directions or using an ADC map? Do you remember when if you wanted to call someone on the phone, you dialed the number and the other person actually had to be HOME to answer the call?
Do you remember when you COULDN'T ask your friends online for advice on how to talk to women? Who did you ask THEN? Your chump friends who also weren't getting laid? The cool kids who refused to talk to you? Your mom??
Do you think Allen Thompson runs this site for free, paying hosting bills out of his own pocket, for nothing more than his own enjoyment?
All of these things add value to people's lives in one way or another, or else they wouldn't spend their hard-earned money on them.
Can you do without them and lead a more simple, free life? Sure you can. But if everyone thought like that, we'd all be a population of dirt-farmers and hunter-gatherers, only able to create what we can with our own hands. I mean, I know how an automobile operates, but damned if I'm casting an engine block, programming a fuel injection system, or welding together a car frame on my own. So it looks like unless I can tame a horse, I'm walking. Or I stay where I am.
You live in a world where you take all these things for granted. They were here when you got there...modern technology, transportation, communication, medicine, modern food supplies, textiles/clothes, housing...they were all here and have always been here as far as you're concerned. So you assume they just sprouted out of the ground. You don't think about the work and ambition that drove men as individuals and as groups to develop these things pretty much from nothing.
You just see a bunch of people WITH money and a bunch of people WITHOUT money, and you think, "that's not fair...I should get as much as they do", as if wealth is handed out by some divine power, not provided in exchange for value.
If you took all the wealth in the world and re-distribtued it evenly to EVERYONE, within a couple of decades, maybe sooner, it would all be back in the same hands it came from. That's because the business-people understand how to attain wealth (by providing value to people in exchange for it) and the impoverished don't. They think that wealth is something people are entitled to solely for existing, and that if they don't have as much as someone else, the "system is broken".
The system isn't broken...you just don't understand how it works.
The problem capitalism faces TODAY is that the "system" has too many people trying to adjust it. As Seize-her said, the system works best when interference is minimal. Any government intervention in free capitalist economics should be to uphold the philosophy of the system. Government intervention, in that regard, "greases the wheels" of capitalism.
The problem is that today, people don't use the government to uphold the system, but rather to undermine it. Either the corporate leaders offer the politicians campaign money in exchange for uncapitalistic favors, or the impoverished masses offer the politicians votes in exchange for uncapitalistic favors.
Each favor granted by the government gives the group paying for it a small boost in the short term, but goes toward undermining the system as a whole.
The more that system is undermined, the more people begin to see that the "way to get stuff" isn't to provide value to society and gain wealth in exchange, but to woo politicians and get them to IMPOSE THEIR WILL on the value-providers, in the form of laws, regulation, and taxes.
If you vote for someone who promises to "tax the rich" and use that money to provide you with services, then you are essentially a SLAVEOWNER. And your whip-man is Uncle Sam.
Is it any wonder why most big corporations are moving their factories and offices OUT of the United States? Do you not understand why we don't build stuff in this country (US) any more? Because you have Mr. Obama up there in the White House talking about balancing the budget by "taxing rich corporations". WHY would those companies stay here in America, where they have worked hard to build empires by providing value to you, the consumer, only to have you, the consumer, demand a cut of the wealth YOU paid to them?
You're like a crooked drug lord...you pay the money to the manufacturer, get the drugs, shoot him, and then take the money too. How long can you do business like that before the manufacturer refuses to deal with you?
Not long.
The economy in the US is turning south because it just doesn't PAY to do business here any more. Congress wants to talk about taxing the living hell out of everyone who makes over 200K a year...why bother to try to make 200K a year?? Why even START or TRY to run a small business if "making it" simply means the government imposes a bunch of rules on you, snatches the bulk of your stuff, and gives it to someone else?