ALERT!! Is Texting/IMing Helping You LOSE Women??

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The ways of attracting women are usually OPPOSITE of the way guys BELIEVE they should work.

One of the rules guys tend to fall for is the one that says they have to be in constant communication with a girl. Granted, if you are in a relationship with a woman, you may want to spend time with her every now and then so she’ll know you haven’t run off to another country with some other hot-looking babe.

However, if you’re just starting to see a girl, did you know you can actually use repetitive communication as a way of making her LESS attracted to you?

Thanks, in part, to advances in technology, men now have TONS of options they can use to talk to a girl 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not only do these things make a guy a constant presence in a girl’s life (whether she wants him to be or not), but they also make it that much easier to deter a woman’s interest, and have her running away from you faster than a politician from his wife! (Three cheers for making a current reference!)

Texting, video chatting, instant messenger, Twitter – so many ways to make sure a girl knows you’re around all the time! Why ask a girl out on a date where you have to physically see her in person anymore – that’s SO 2009!

Furthermore, why give your newfound dating partner time to miss you, think about you, wonder what’s going on when you’re not around her – ya know, all the things girls tend to have to do in order for her brain to build up an interest in you?

Nope, instead you can now do to her what all the OTHER guys she’s not currently getting with are doing – message her all the time!

At first I didn’t understand how doing this would wane a girl’s interest. When I used to meet girls, I would get their phone number, email, AOL screen name and twitter account information.

Clearly, any of the girls that gave me all this info wanted me to take them out. Of course, back then I was still too nervous to actually pick up the phone and call a girl for a date, fearing they’d laugh at me so loudly that other girls would hear her and never want to date me again. (In all fairness, it only happened ONE time.)

However, I figured I could warm them up to the idea of sitting at dinner with me for a few hours by first communicating with them a few times via text messages. I’d send a few little messages to a girl throughout the day, for several days, to make sure she wanted to talk to me.

Next, I’d move it up to the “Instant Message” phase (which, for me, was as close to going steady with a girl as I could get without having been on any actual dates with her). This, combined with the aforementioned texting, would go on for a couple more weeks.

Once I felt our technological communication was at its peak, I’d begin emailing her personal messages, telling her how much I liked her, and how I couldn’t wait to show her a good time. Keep in mind that, during this whole time, I still wasn’t actually ASKING the girl on a one-on-one date.

Even when I finally DID ask her out, it wouldn’t be via phone call. Instead, I’d either send her a text or email message asking her if she had any free nights coming up that week. That’s when I’d get the message every “Non Juan” gets from women:

“Oh, I’m sorry, Non Juan – I can’t go out with you because (insert one of the following excuses: ‘I have a boyfriend;’ ‘I just don’t see you that way;’ ‘I’m not trying to date anyone seriously right now,’ etc.)”

So why did these girls, who I seemed to have great communication with via these various messaging services, end up rejecting my date offer?

As I later found out, while messaging a girl may SEEM like a good way to get to know a girl, it doesn’t allow her to develop as strong of an attraction to you as she would if she were physically able to be around you. A text message doesn’t allow her to get see your facial expressions; an instant message doesn’t allow her to hear your laugh or vocal tone; an email doesn’t replace how connected she’d be to you by simply giving you a hug.

And of course, sending her a consistent barrage of messages doesn’t give her enough of a break from you to think of intensives for HER to contact YOU. You’re actually KILLING her brain’s ability to think of ways to convince YOU to be around HER by messaging her all the time!

But hey – if you’re trying to actually LOSE the girl you’ve been chasing after, keep on sending those text messages! I’m sure she’ll LOVE reading them later – ya know, after she gets dropped off from the guy she’s on a date with NOW that actually had the GUTS to ask her out!

-Non Juan

Non Juan’s book, “The Non Juan’s Guide to LOSING The Girl of Your Dreams: Why Everything Men THINK They Know About Dating is WRONG,” coming soon!

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
I believe texting is the Anti-Christ when it comes to dating.Texting has never helped me in the dating scene. It just makes matters worse. This is when I am starting out with a female of course. Although some of my close friends can text a girl all day, and they still end up with good results, I.E. Sex or dates. I just lie to females now and tell them that it costs for me to send and receive text messages, even though I have unlimited text messages in my cell phone plan. I also have Facebook. But when I start out with females I tell them that I don't have a Facebook either. I also believe Facebook makes things worse. A female can go on Facebook and get all type of vital information off of it about me, and it will usually turn the chick off for whatever reason. I haven't figured that one out yet.

What people don't know won't hurt them...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Its like hot and cold for me. Sometimes I get fantastic responses through text and other times NO response. From the same girl sometimes.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
I think it works the other way around too. When I first start dating a girl, when she calls/texts me I always get that butterfly feeling in my stomach... but after a while, if they call or text me a lot, it just starts to get annoying.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
constant texting and IMing is ANTI - CHALLENGE.... if you are often texting and any IMing them...
- you are less likely to be dating other women = not competition = less status, dating competition means your more of a catch, so worth their time
- being out socially = popular...etc
- working...
- you have nothing better to do, they have "got you" = boring, unattractive


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
Kupid Diggs said:
I believe texting is the Anti-Christ when it comes to dating.Texting has never helped me in the dating scene. It just makes matters worse. This is when I am starting out with a female of course. Although some of my close friends can text a girl all day, and they still end up with good results, I.E. Sex or dates. I just lie to females now and tell them that it costs for me to send and receive text messages, even though I have unlimited text messages in my cell phone plan. I also have Facebook. But when I start out with females I tell them that I don't have a Facebook either. I also believe Facebook makes things worse. A female can go on Facebook and get all type of vital information off of it about me, and it will usually turn the chick off for whatever reason. I haven't figured that one out yet.

What people don't know won't hurt them...
good attitude!
the less they know the better...your more mysterious, which they think is romantic... they want to see you to find out more....etc

this should be kinda obvious to people ..!

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
@kingsam: Yes, this stuff SHOULD be obvious to people - unfortunately, most guys are taught to go against their instincts when dating.

Example: most guys have a gut feeling that when a girl doesn't call him back that she's not really interested. However, they get blind-sided by BAD advice and excuses from others - i.e. "Well, maybe her answering machine just doesn't work" or "she's probably just REALLY busy right now" - and stop listening to what they originally thought.

I used to be one of those people too! Then I got smart, and now I give insight to guys on why the things they think they are doing RIGHT to get women is actually the WRONG thing - one of those things being the belief that just 'cause a girl shows initial interest, she will always BE interested, even when she's not calling/texting/IMing a guy back.

Click on the link in the tab to have your eyes opened, people!

-Non Juan


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
wall street
i don't believe anything you guys are saying.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
I agree texting is for friends dont text like a maniac or you will become the new girlfriend of your target.