pornos, big brother, all that other crap is money driven entertainment.
they screen those people to be on big brother based on how entertaining they think they'll be. I really don't think you can adequately judge society based on the lower spectrum of the bell curve. At least I hope not.
As far as wacked out porn goes, (get it? wacked out?) porn on demand has not been around for too long, dvd's etc, and just like big brother, once you get used to one thing, you tend to need it amped up a notch to get your nut off, so to speak.
It will be interesting what will happen when the demand for debauchary (crazy b!thces screaming crazy sh!t on big brother, etc) starts to bump up against illegal activites.
There's already plenty of popular websites that are filled with videos of people getting heads chopped off, dogs brained with bricks, dudes killing themselves, old ladies getting hit by cars and flipped across intersections.
Its only a matter of time before that crap gets passe and people start to demand more.
Its not like humans have never gathered and cheered as people were killed for fun.