Agility, Endurance, Stretching help me out


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Alright guys i've been doing some lifting and isometric workouts lately (along with my new diet. Alot of pushups, situps, pull ups, wide armed pull ups, inverted push ups, leg throws, etc etc) and I'm liking my cuts so far , I'm not really looking to bulk up but to cut up, and I'm just about where I wanna be.

Now here's something I need some help in. First I'm going to start powerising soon (, and I want to be able to do alot of the stuns, but more importantly, its always been one of my main passions to be really agile, flip around (sorta nija style) you know? I think though that I kinda fell off from not stretching my muscles out alot and more bulking them up, so here's my questions.

From now on I want to stretch my ligaments out and get alot more flexible, I've been doing more static and dynamic stretching routines, but I wanna know if anyone can recommend a good routine?

I'm also realizing I'm being limited by my endurance. I need to do cardio (I really didn't focus on it because I was kinda skinny and didn't wanna lose alot of weight), but I wanna know some great endurnace workouts.

Also to help out my agility what are some good workouts.

I'm also getting back into gymnastics (When I get back home in about a month), and I'm already trying to get back into the flow of things (Handstands, etc).

So along with powerising and stretching and all, I wanna really turn this into a fun new workout because I'm kinda done with bulking up in a bit and I am going to get really flexible (I'm too determined not to) for the next few years (hopefully, I really wanna go back to martial arts and gymnastics as well).

So in short:

Agility, Endurance and Stretching workouts/routines. Any other advice on becoming more flexible, etc.

Thanks bros.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
to get flexible, u gotta stretch man.. thats about it..

endurance, start running NOW.. running and swimming are probably the two best as far as endurance workouts go.. biking is also good..

as far as agility i would say to focus on grass drills and sprints.. practice changing directions while moving..pretty much football/soccer style workouts


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
Agility: Agility Rope, Cone Drills, Plyometrics, Form Running, Jump Roping

Endurance: Running may help you, but since this sport is explosive in nature, I would recommend finding some HIGH intensity cardio, such as sprints, swimming, extensive agility work.

Flexibility: THe only way you can increase this is to get a daily, if not twice daily stretching routine going. Dynamic and Static stretches should both be included in this routine. Look up some stretches, figure out which ones you like best, and which ones you feel most comfortable doing.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
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To develop agility I would concentrate on your core lifts squats, deadlifts, bench, chins, rows, dips etc. as well abdominal work for both your rectus abdominus e.g. crunches, hanging leg raises and obliques e.g. woodchops, twisting crunches, russian twists etc. as well as footwork drills (e.g. like SS mentioned cone drills, agility ladder, plyos with lateral movement)

For endurance, look into GPP (General Physical Preparation). Don't just limit yourself to long runs and interval runs, do all types of conditioning activites e.g. swimming, rowing/canoeing, cycling, pick-up soccer/basketball games, circuit training (i.e with calisthenics, strongman exercises or med balls) etc. Cover all areas of your conditioning.

Improving your flexibility will require a lot of effort on your part if you want to see good results. You need to stretch 2-3 times a day minimum for 15-30 mins per session for good results quickly. Static and PNF stretching are the way to go in terms of improving flexibilty (dynamic stretching only needs to be done before workouts). Remember never stretch a cold muscle, always do a general warm-up to increase heart rate and get the blood flowing (e.g. 5-10 mins jogging/cycling). You should be holding your static stretches for more than 20s.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
The only thing about PNF is I heard that those whoa re still growing they aren't best for (I'm 16). Also man, can anyone like me to some good sites with just stretches, I keep coming across ones that have to much blabbing about bull**** and not enough talking about the actual stretches themselves. For now I'm gonna focus on flexibility and just keeping my body in shape (alot of isometric workouts but I'm gonna cut down and some light weight training for my Bis, nothing to pressure intensive, just to keep my body fat down, I'm pretty much where i'd like to be bodywise right now).


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
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First of all...

Bulking and cutting are most largely dependant on your diet. You could essentially perform the same weightlifting routine, and either bulk or cut depending on how many calories you consume.

That said, continue with the bodyweight exercises. These are not the most hypertrophic exercises out there, and they will not stimulate your body to grow into a hulking mass of static muscle.

Everything else you want to know has already been addressed for the most part. However, I would recommend you begin jumping rope. It is a crossover exercise that develops endurance AND agility. Remember to make it challenging though... I recommend a boxing-style workout where you jump in 3 minute rounds... maybe do like 4-5 to start. Learn some tricks and make sure to move around a lot when you jump. It will definitely help your agility.

Buddy Lee makes the best jumpropes available. I swear by them.

And no, I do not work for Buddy Lee.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
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pooparu said:
The only thing about PNF is I heard that those whoa re still growing they aren't best for (I'm 16). Also man, can anyone like me to some good sites with just stretches, I keep coming across ones that have to much blabbing about bull**** and not enough talking about the actual stretches themselves. For now I'm gonna focus on flexibility and just keeping my body in shape (alot of isometric workouts but I'm gonna cut down and some light weight training for my Bis, nothing to pressure intensive, just to keep my body fat down, I'm pretty much where i'd like to be bodywise right now).
Nah, those websites are bull****. PNF stretching doesn't cause any harm to you. DeFranco uses it on all his young atheltes that have poor flexibility, and that man knows his stuff.

This site has quite a good database for the stretches:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
pooparu said:
For now I'm gonna focus on flexibility and just keeping my body in shape (alot of isometric workouts but I'm gonna cut down and some light weight training for my Bis, nothing to pressure intensive, just to keep my body fat down, I'm pretty much where i'd like to be bodywise right now).

I can guarantee that if you put on about 5lbs of muscle, you'd want more. Unless you're looking like a fitness model, or something around there, then you probably want to gain some more muscle, whether you know it or not.

Don't go light when you lift anyways. It's not like you're going to explode over night. And are you JUST going to do light training for your biceps? What about the rest of your body?