Aghh, the saga never ends!


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Lemme first say it hasn't been me that's kept this's been HER (or rather, her friends)...

Apologize for the long post with all these little details but I kinda want to tell everything that's happened so I can get some insight. I asked an inexperienced girl out last week (you may have seen my other thread on that). Let's just call her Sally. Yes it was pretty sudden, but I thought I had the evidence that she liked me. Well the response was a widening eyes, smile, slight laugh "uhhhhh" and then "we don't really know each other well."

So I thought it was over. People here told me to move on. Being in agreement, that's just what I was doing. But this past few days has been extremely confusing.

First off, on Valentines day, her best friend came up to me and said "JCB! you didn't get Sally a Valentines!" I just shrugged with a confused look on my face, thoughts being Ummm, was I supposed to? Newsflash, she rejected me. So I went up to the friend later on and asked her how come she was saying Sally wanted a Valentines from me. Her response was a "no, she really did! I'm her best friend, I'd know." So then I asked how come she didn't want to go out with me...she didn't answer, just said "I was only trying to help."

Then later that day, I walked outside on my way to the school library building...and just happened to pass by Sally and her whole group. I walked by them without noticing, but then as I move away, from behind I heard one of them say "hey JCB...Sally likes you!" The other ones giggled, and Sally said "thats a lie!" (you have to admit that's what a girl would say in that case no matter what she thought about you). I turned around with a weird but playful look on my face and said with a smile "whatever."

THEN after I got back out of the library, I walked on a different way. They were still there but this time a very good distance aways. And yet, I heard from one of her friends the loudest scream (loud enough where you feel like the entire world hears) saying "SALLY LOOVVESS JCB!!!!" True or not, thats was some good music to my ears. :D

Yesterday, her best friend came up to me again, but this time we had a real long walk/chat together. Her opening question was "what is it that you like about Sally?" Geez if this is such a big deal then how come I don't have a GF right now? I just smiled and shrugged and said over and over I really didn't know what I liked. She seriously kept pushing me for an answer. One time I replied with a past tense (I likED her or something), and she immediately said with concern "oh, you LIKED her? [as in you don't like her anymore?]" I told her the whole thing didn't matter to me and that I'm fine with however the girl thinks of me. So we were talking about that for a little while and then as I was telling her I'm neutral about it, guess who comes around the corner. Yep, Sally herself! She pretended not to see us but then her friend shouted "Hey Sally, look who I'm talking to!!" Then she shouted "JCB says its neutral!" Her friend and I finished up and as we did she went up to Sally and said pretty loud "I have some neeewwwsss" then started whispering to her about what I had said and stuff...I just left lol.

Seriously I WAS done with this girl. But isn't all of this rather...positive? Or am I just imagining it and reading into her friends way too much? See, when I asked her out she did say "we don't know each other very well" which I took as a no, but then how do you explain all of this stuff? Maybe her friends are just pushing it too far and kinda playing around because she's never had a BF, even though she doesn't want me. OR she was just caught offguard and got a little scared when I asked her out...but still has an interest in me and is using her friend to keep me from moving on. Thoughts? Like I said, I CAN move on if I have to. :)


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
i dunno. instead of asking sally you should ask that girl that was talkin to ya hahaha


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Drama's for duds. Make it a point to flirt with someone else in front of her. Who cares what she wants. I knew a kid that dated an inexperience chick. You'll realize that when you 2 breakup, it'll be her first time breaking up too. She'll be devastated, and want to kill you. Let's just say that it can end your High School love life. Move on, be a DJ.

Of course, who am I talk? I'm not a DJ.

Good Luck.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah it is dramatic. I think I handled it all in a cool fashion by acting like (and saying) it didn't phase me. Of course, if she really does like me I'll go with it. But see I don't know if she truely does or it's just her friends being immature little girls and spreading BS. The only evidence (good or bad) I have directly from her is that she acts embarrassed/shy and looks away when she passes me.