Not only is it stupid it's horrible advice, and I believe alot of people would not be here still if they did not pay attention
if you feel you have to change who you are, than you are automatically trying to qualify yourself for her, instead of making herself qualify to you. You have already acknowledged subconsciously that she is the prize. there goes everything right there.
Also, he places too much of a prize on winning the woman, becuase that's what guys who haven't been getting laid want to hear, but that's not really the correct answer.
your personality, who you are is really a screening process when it comes to women. if she doesn't like it, okay, bye. find someone who does.
you can spot them everywhere. about 2 weeks ago my Fiancee and I went to have a drink and play pool at a sports bar and it was a guy there... you know.. "that guy". the guy who just read the article on ****y and funny.. just trying WAY to hard, it was gruesome to watch. I almost wanted to go talk to the poor guy.
somehow, DA has twisted this poor guy's mind into thinking he's about to get laid because of this ****.