1. did I **** up anything by not trying to kiss her on the first date?
You missed the opportunity to find out if she's really romantically interested in you. Girls go out with guys for lots of reasons, like sometimes they just want someone to take them out. Going for a kiss on the lips (not a makeout session!) puts them to the test. It also serves to show them that you're serious about not being taken as just a friend.
If you get a second date with her, go for a kiss at the end of it. If she gives you her cheek or any excuse not to peck on the lips, she's out.
2. to raise attraction do I not talk to her for a few days or what?
Yes, though it's about raising interest, not attraction.
It gives them a few days to reflect on the great time they had with you (hopefully they did have a great time, though I'm not sure if sitting on a hill for an hour of talking counts as fun unless you had her in stitches laughing all the time). It also gives them time to wonder if you're going to call, wonder if you like them, wonder why you haven't called yet, talk to her girlfriends about you... and all that keeps you on her mind and thinking about you, which naturally builds interest.
Too often, guys call back real soon thinking that they must and really because they can't control themselves. They don't understand that's how the female mind works, that she delights in thinking about this stuff (remember "he loves me, he loves me not..."), and blow all that out of the water by overwhelming her with "too much too soon" and actually LOWER her interest. So do pace yourself.
One more thought: and sometimes, when you don't call for a few days, guess what happens? SHE calls! Now she's chasing you! Sweet!
But that can NEVER happen if you call them right away.