AFK's Key to Happiness

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Hello my fellow DJs and DJs in training! I hope all has been well. Recently, I've been through a lot. School has been tough, my schedule has been convoluted greatly. There are conflictions within my life regarding people and events and everything. IT WAS ALL JUST A BIG MESS!! But alas, through it all, I have found the key to happiness. This is my first real tip on the boards, and I'm happy about that because it's about time I gave something back to you all.

Now I shall bust out the guitar, so gather around young DJs, while I sing a song of hope, glory, and revelation:

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

Now, you see most of this most really pertains to those in high school, but it can be easily applied to everyone else.

The above excerpt symbolizes how many feel about life in general. They feel like everything is against them. There are days when you just feel like the gods chose to mess with your life for fun. These are the days we all long to forget and get over.

But that is the problem my friends.

For why do we avoid trouble? Why? Is it unpleasant? Is it painful? In most cases...probably. But is that bad?

"Of course not!" you shout.

Correct as always fellow DJs. We must take a different view on life. Take a positive view on life. If life throws rocks at you, don't dodge them for you cannot dodge them all. Don't grab them and throw them back, for life is not your enemy. Gather them, and mold your rocks. Mold them into tools to better your life. Gather them so eventually you can build something great out of these rocks....these experiences.

Now, I've dropped hints everywhere so far, but the secret is this:

Always enjoy everything you do.

It's as simple and complex as that my friends. I realized this through studying. I hated history. I hated history. I also hated writing. But that was my reaction to something I wasn't naturally good at. And thus I fell into a cycle of despair and failure.

But one learns quickly when they see a pattern. I enjoyed math and science. And I excelled. Could this be the answer? Yes my friends, that was the answer. Enjoy everything you do.

Do not view everything as a chore anymore. Do not be like the rest of society who mope around complaining about their jobs...their families...their lives. You are a DJ. You must be must be better.

For me, something qualifies as enjoyable if I learn from it. Pretty broad eh? Well, that's the point! There are few things, if any, that you do not learn ANYTHING from. Beacuse of this, I always find a positive from my actions. This works doubly well for self-improvement because you learn the MOST from things you do the WORST. Therefore, you'll develop a self-progressing cycle that can only help you.

Now I don't say NATURALLY enjoy everything you do, because you don't naturally enjoy everything. But force yourself to make good out of the bad. FORCE YOURSELF to make the new out of the old. FORCE YOURSELF to view everything in a positive light. FORCE YOURSELF to enjoy....and soon it will become natural to you.

And to end...these last few lyrics sums up how I feel about everything now:

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

I hope this helped ladies and gents. Go out, seek the positive, and BE HAPPY.

Try this out my friends. It will open doors. When you slowly begin to enjoy everything to do, what is there to be sad about? Nothing at all. And what is left when there is no sadness?

Happiness....pure happiness.:)
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The Monkey

Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Heh, all the chicks I know dig that song. I've just took up guitar, I'm looking forward to the day when I can play that piece.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Right on man. Here are the tabs if you want them:

I've just started guitar too. It's cool man. Don't even worry about the girls. I'm truly happy for once in my life. I haven't felt this way in a loooonng time meaning a few years. I hope the feeling lasts, and it probably will.

If anyone has questions, comments, and constructive criticisms about the post, feel free to post it. I guess I'll leave with this one tip of mine. Like many others, I've kind of out grown sosuave and haven't posted a question in a while regarding women (mostly working out stuff). Anyways, let's hear your thoughts on the tip.

Good luck with guitar Monkey.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Sweet post, bro! I also enjoy things I'm good at, but hate history and literature. Time to step up, and be positive about it :)

The Monkey

Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by AFK Protector
Right on man. Here are the tabs if you want them:

I've just started guitar too. It's cool man. Don't even worry about the girls. I'm truly happy for once in my life. I haven't felt this way in a loooonng time meaning a few years. I hope the feeling lasts, and it probably will.


Good luck with guitar Monkey.
Oh, I first became interested because one of my best (male) friends plays the guitar. Girls are just a lucky side effect. :)

And yes, great post. I'm looking forward to putting your idea into practice today.

*Finishes cheerios and wanders off, smiling to the tune of Raindrops*


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Great post man. Just the kinda thing for an DJ-in training.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Take pleasure in the fight, and you will win even if you lose.

Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments ... because even though you're getting your ass handed to you, you still took on Life itself, and that's no small achievement.
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AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Ok I am going to bump this as I leave you my friends. This site has taught me a lot. I'm sure it has taught you much too. It may have taught you how to look good, how to pick up women, but most importantly, what I hope you've taken from your time on sosuave, as I did, is the fact that your lives needn't revolve around females. Your actions needn't be controlled by them. Realize that you are and forever will be free from their bonds, that you imposed on yourself. So let it all go, not to impress them, nor to appear confident, but to be genuinely happy and content with what you see in the mirror. Adios.