Here's a quick, easy and extremely powerful way of affirming your status as a man who's desired by women.
Grab a pen or open up Word, and write down the names of each woman you can remember, who desired you on any level. It doesn't really matter what level, so don't worry if you can't list a dozen girls you've laid. Girls who've expressed interest in getting to know you or simply smiled at you will do just fine.
So look back as far as you can remember, even years or decades. The idea is to come up with as many names as possible. If you can't remember names, give them nicknames. For instance, one of mine is 'the indian flight attendant.' Take your time and make sure you write down as many names as you can remember.
Then, when you're done, add short descriptions to each name. Beside 'indian flight attendant,' i have 'tripped when she saw me and asked me to spend the day with her minutes after meeting me.' As you can tell, the description emphasizes her level of interest in me, and for a good reason. Remember, your goal here isn't to describe her wardrobe, but to affirm in your mind the belief that she wanted you.
When you're done, take a look at your list. Read your descriptions and think back, visualize each of those interactions. You feel differently now than you did before creating this list. You feel better. More confident. Attaining success with women suddenly seems easier than you previously thought. These, my friend, are the immediate effects of the belief that you're the prize.
Remember, read over your list at least once a day before you go out. Even if you're going out to the grocery store, read it so that you can walk through the aisles, knowing that if great chick suddenly pops out of nowhere, you've got the goods to get her.
Most importantly, expand your list. Whenever you have something new to add, or if you simply remember something from the past, add it in. As your list grows, so will your success, and as your success grows, so will the list. This will create a never-ending loop that can carry you in no other direction but to success!
Grab a pen or open up Word, and write down the names of each woman you can remember, who desired you on any level. It doesn't really matter what level, so don't worry if you can't list a dozen girls you've laid. Girls who've expressed interest in getting to know you or simply smiled at you will do just fine.
So look back as far as you can remember, even years or decades. The idea is to come up with as many names as possible. If you can't remember names, give them nicknames. For instance, one of mine is 'the indian flight attendant.' Take your time and make sure you write down as many names as you can remember.
Then, when you're done, add short descriptions to each name. Beside 'indian flight attendant,' i have 'tripped when she saw me and asked me to spend the day with her minutes after meeting me.' As you can tell, the description emphasizes her level of interest in me, and for a good reason. Remember, your goal here isn't to describe her wardrobe, but to affirm in your mind the belief that she wanted you.
When you're done, take a look at your list. Read your descriptions and think back, visualize each of those interactions. You feel differently now than you did before creating this list. You feel better. More confident. Attaining success with women suddenly seems easier than you previously thought. These, my friend, are the immediate effects of the belief that you're the prize.
Remember, read over your list at least once a day before you go out. Even if you're going out to the grocery store, read it so that you can walk through the aisles, knowing that if great chick suddenly pops out of nowhere, you've got the goods to get her.
Most importantly, expand your list. Whenever you have something new to add, or if you simply remember something from the past, add it in. As your list grows, so will your success, and as your success grows, so will the list. This will create a never-ending loop that can carry you in no other direction but to success!