AFC's exist everywhere, some will even despise you


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Look i'm a college student, and most of my classes ...the guys are either all AFC or most of them are. none of them seem like DJ material to me. It's come to a shock i've realized what a world we live in today that such men exist, but hey...the lesser competition there is the better for us DJ'ers !!

One of my classes have 3 HB's
I C&F them and kino also.
In another one of my classes, a prick (not sure if he's AFC, but hell seems like on, told this HB that he doesnt like reason why but just doesnt, how do i know? HB told me!!)
Another way you can tell they dont like you too much is through the vibe they send, you can just sense the "i dont like you vibe"

the AFC's get jealous and just give you a glare. Not all of them do that about 1 or 2 of them. When i look at them, it's like they dont know how to interact with girls, or you could say they're in a completely different world of their won. Many of them don't know how to socialize, and they dont exude confidence, they dont even dress/act ambitious, they just Don't have the attitude, they just exude the AFC attitude.
If they continue being the way that they are, i guarantee they will get nowhere in life.

Down the lines, the AFC will envy you and become jealous, they will despise you because you have and can do what they dont have cant do.
I just get sick from seeing this, are you still a child where you hold grudges against someone for something that's your OWN fault?? dont put the blame on someone, put it on YOURSELF!
Based on this, i can easily tell that the ratio of DJ's compared to AFC's is probably 1:10 or 2:10.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
I agree, but they all don't necessarily envy us. They resent us. They see us as the "opposite" of what there mothers told them to be. They believe that gentlemen don't behave the way we do, so our C&F doesn't compute with there brains. Oh well, the alpha wolf allows his beta pack males to run along side him, as long as they don't act up, then it's ass whoopin time. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by PhoenixPUA
I agree, but they all don't necessarily envy us. They resent us. They see us as the "opposite" of what there mothers told them to be. They believe that gentlemen don't behave the way we do, so our C&F doesn't compute with there brains. Oh well, the alpha wolf allows his beta pack males to run along side him, as long as they don't act up, then it's ass whoopin time. :cool:
yea now that i think i about, i dont really think they envy us.
probably in thier AFC eyes, they see our C&F attitude = a ****.
so they interpret us as ****s or player possibly.
I dont know why ppl hate players so much, just cause they tehmselves cant get into a girl's pants, they blame us for that.
I used to be an AFC, so I think I kind of understand how their minds work
But i usually pull htat C&F to girls , dont bother with guys..i just talk logic with them.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Most of the time, in my experience, is the guy who is AFC resents the jerk that takes away the girl that he feels he was working so hard to get. Most guys who are AFC feel that by being nice, they logically should get the girl because there is really no logical reason why the girl would reject him, whereas they could probably find a reason why the girl should not be with a guy who seems to not be treating her as well as the AFC is.

It doesn't make sense, but I guess that's the way it works. There are some pretty stubborn guys in this world who have a lot of trouble swallowing this and will stick to their thinking no matter what, while trying to change everything else but themselves, usually unsuccessfully.

I guess the lesson is that you don't make the rules, just play by them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by becker
Most of the time, in my experience, is the guy who is AFC resents the jerk that takes away the girl that he feels he was working so hard to get. Most guys who are AFC feel that by being nice, they logically should get the girl because there is really no logical reason why the girl would reject him, whereas they could probably find a reason why the girl should not be with a guy who seems to not be treating her as well as the AFC is.

It doesn't make sense, but I guess that's the way it works. There are some pretty stubborn guys in this world who have a lot of trouble swallowing this and will stick to their thinking no matter what, while trying to change everything else but themselves, usually unsuccessfully.

I guess the lesson is that you don't make the rules, just play by them.
EXACTLY. AFC's think attraction is logical, that's why they logically think in such a way that it backfires on them. they do not realize that attraction is illogical. only when you do realize that logic is useless in this game, only then will you realize that change is needed for you to succeed.
As i said i used to be AFC half a yr ago. after readingmany posts and the djbible and practicing them on girls, i was slowly able to transition OUT of the AFC wasnt easy and it wasnt perfect, but im getting there..the DJ stage. Practice may not make perfect, but it definitely pushes your potential to the highest.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA.
I am a DJ through and through, and it's been so long for me that I can barely remember what it was like to be an afc. The afc mentality seems utterly alien to me at this point and it defies logic whenever I bother to think about it.

for example, Afcs are paralyzed by the fear of rejection. It terrifies them. I, on the other hand, make my approaches and rejection never crosses my mind. I act like my success is guaranteed, and it often is because of this! :)

The problem is that AFcs see in us what they have always wanted to be. They resent us because we have risen beyond the barriers that hold them back, but Afcs don't realize that they have the ability to rise as well -- its just that so few of them know it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
good points.

I cant clearly remember my AFC ways, lately my memory has been getting pretty bad. If i were to ever act AFC or try to be AFC again, i dont even think i'd know/remmber how. but i guess it's all about the mindset.

it's possible that MOST AFC's are just stubborn, they havent been burned yet by attention *****s. they still feel that if they continue with their ways, down the line the girls will realize they're better than jerks and get with them. if this did happen, it'd probably be short termanyway as he'd be too predictable and "nice" all the time that she'll grow bore of him.

I was an AFC that was burned, i liked the girl, she didnt like me back. but she was also an attention ***** and liked to use ppl.
so that's when i transitioned towards Djism. funny thing, i got over her the next day when i realized she was a *****.
This was the most valuable learning experience i could ever have. I basically had an apithany (that how u spell it?).
realized my flaws and did things to get into another habit.
lost my AFC habits, slowly going towards DJ habits.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Dont Forget that there are women That dont like DJ's also

Its been a year since i transcended to the DJ lifestyle and met beautiful women that I would never have had the balls to go after previously..

I think the points about AFC's not like DJ's are so on the ball...For instance allot of my colleagues give me $h1t for pimping girls with bf's , girls that are engaged, and women that are married...they say stuff like you have no morals, or try to tell me that i have no honor...etc....What you begin to learn is that these AFC's cant relate to you because in reality they are men without balls who are unafraid to take risks and gamble...

Now with women, I wanna say that yes I believe that the ideal woman wants a DJ who knows how to respect the c0ck and tame the c^nt...however, it is very important to keep in mind that not all women go for the DJ and would rather have an AFC...hence they perpetuate the AFC thing as being the status my experiences some women that want the AFC just dont know how to react to the DJ, and are probably unable of fulfilling the DJ...I guess what it all comes down to is once you have transcended from AFC to gotta realize that you are elite, and being elite means that there will be alot of AFC espousing men and women who cannot relate to you and never will be able to, and although we did here, there is really no point in trying to understand people who are down with the AFC....


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score

Know the feelin... I'm at Uni, if I see somethin I want then I'll go for it... that hot girl in class who I want to work with, I ain't gonna sit around and hope she asks me or take the safe option and work with another guy, lol, I'm gonna be pro-active about it and TELL her that me and her are gonna work together... same say I check a girl in a shop that I feel, I'll take steps to gettin that number

Now I come in to get some work done in the PC room and I get guy from my class who sits with the same AFC buddies time after time, and is never seen near a girl, givin me the stare which I can blatantly read as "I don't like you"... so I dress good, I exude confidence, I'll be sat all around the lecture theatre with different groups and chat to near enough all the girls in my class that I want to, to the point that there's an option to chill with any of them if I want it...

Jealousy... but it makes sense, they're quite clearly not the pro-active type so in all that time they spend sittin wishin they were doin what I'm doin they have plenty of time for those jealous thoughts to run loose in their mind...


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Had the no morals and no conscience thing thrown at me too, lol...

But really, what can you do besides laugh it off... it is truly funny


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
Brisbane Australia
When I'm out I always get guys trying to pick fights with me. Never used to, but now it happens all the time. Quite funny how guys get angry when u talk to a girl they have decided they want while never opening a conversation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
haha yea that's ****in hilarious sometimes.

it's like what's the big deal dude? you've never even said hi to her. It's like they label the chick w/their name and thinks she belongs to him. Foolish AFC's girls belong to no one. even if she is your gf or your wife, she still doesnt belong to you.
She can freely flirt/talk to anyone she wishes w/o going through you


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
Reaction score
The root of much evil is the AFC mindset set against the DJ. DJs celebrate life while AFCs, in some form, celebrate death. I think most religions take advantage of this in some way. They get their power from AFCs who want to persecute and destroy sexual beings, men and women alike. If they can't destroy them, they imagine them in hell burning for eternity, and chuckle to themselves.

When I'm having a bad day, sure, I may hate playas, but I don't show it. It only helps their game at the expense of yours.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
well now that im thinking about this again.

Afc's will be afc's and dj's will be dj's

but the problem with the AFC mindset is that you're accomplishing something that they only could image. which in reality you have something they dont. you can do something they cant. or you can just do about everything better than the AFC and they will resetn you for that.

disregarding afc's and dj's.....i think just about anywhere in life, if someone does something better than you, you wont like them.
but in reality no matter how far you push your potential, there will always be someone better, faster, smarter, richer than you.

Altho the AFC mind is a complex nut to crack, they should all just relax and enjoy life for what it is. they put too much time in planning for a success w/a HB , that they dont even realize what they did wrong. Just relax and dont think about it too much...AFC's are too worried about screwing up things. isnt that what life's all about? in a sense AFC's want perfection = logic.
imperfection = illogical, that's the part they dont understand about attraction