AFCing...and it sucks

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
This thread is almost the same >>

I can really say that ever since ive been on this site(about 11 months now), ive really been able to control my emotions BETTER, but not completely which I think is impossible. But anyways, tonight I was hanging out with a few guy friends and almost each of them had some sort of commentary about their GF or at least about eachothers GF: "Yea, he was getting head earlier", "Did she take it up the ass?", "He was late cuz he was too busy fcuking X", and so on. Along the lines, they even comments on how this one chick I had oneitis for is probably getting it on with one of my friends...Out of the whole group, I was the only one w/o anyone and was still the virgin at 21...I must say it really sucked. They don't treat my indifferent or anything, but I felt really deprived, and I just couldnt help but think that as I get older, itll only get harder finding someone(not just a fcuk buddy) and the older you are as a virgin, the more society would lable you as undesirable. I dunno, I guess the thought was just killing me...


New Member
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Hey man. Chill up.
It seems that these "friends" aren't really friends... It seems that they say these things near you just to brag about themselves and bring your self-steem down, while feeling superior to someone (raising her self-steem)...
Unless of course, that they don't know you're a virgin. If they don't know, well, why would they need to know then?
It is important to see though, that this group is hurting you more than helping. The feeling you get that things just get worse is your self-steem being pounded everytime you even think about them. You see, with your self-steem getting lower and lower, so does your chances with women.
So, do something to raise your self-steem and confidence... Do something you like, use your time doing something you're good at. Socialize more, look for new friends and be happy with yourself. The women smells happiness and it works like the best pheromone ever.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Ditto, your friends don't seem to be too friendly at all. For one thing, they should be helping you lose your virginity not talking crap about the girl you had a thing for.

Approach more - and if you don't feel comfortable approaching, tell us why. There are few things in life that you cannot change.