Originally posted by Wyldfire
Although I am very supportive of any man I'm with and I do believe in him...I am also a very rational and logical thinker. I don't just follow blindly. No, I would not just up and move without first having a thorough discussion about the reasons, looking at the pros and cons of such a move together, considering how it would affect any children and each family member and if I felt that a move was the best option, then I would agree to it. If I didn't think it was the right choice I wouldn't move. He could move if he felt compelled to do so...but I would not go with him if I felt it was a bad idea. Major decisions that affect everyone in the family should NEVER be made by one person, be it the male or the female. But then I would not be married to someone who wouldn't agree with me that decisions like that are made as a couple anyway...so it wouldn't be an issue. Hell, I most likely wouldn't even be married in the first place....I'm a commitment phobe.
Well it seems that you don't know what it means to have faith in your man.
Let me put a question to you.
If God himself told you to move would you do it? I'll bet you would and you wouldnt even question him.
Why would you not question him? well for one you know that he loves you and that he would never tell you to do something that is wrong for you. You would blindly follow him and have faith in him. You would also never consider yourself a slave to him. Even if things seemed to work out for the worse you would still blindly trust him and belive that what he telling you to do is for the best.
Sorry to break this to you but if you can't trust a man in the same way with such maters then you don't totaly belive in him and you don't have much faith in him. If you can't trust your man to make major decisions then why are you with him?
What kind of man are you wasting your time with? You should of looked harder for a real man that you could have faith in.
This is the major flaw with women today. They just don't understand the dynamics of men and women. They don't know what questions to ask themselves and what too look for in a man.
Men are not asking women to be submissive. The guys who say this are wrong. We are asking for something much more significant. No man wants a slave and no REAL man would ever treat a woman like a slave. REAL men prize women who show faith in us. Who belive in our choices and alow us to fully provide for our women . If we make a mistake then the woman is there to nurture and provide her support. A good woman will in fact continue to blindly follow her man mistake after mistake. Each mistake that he makes is chance for her to be a nurturer.
No offence but I would never put a ring on a girls finger who fails to have faith in me as a provider. I would also never want a woman who I can't have faith in. If I can't have faith in a womans ability to be a nurturer then I won't start anything serious with her.