AFC needs advice


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Okay, I'm trying to better myself in picking up women. I am having major trouble with a girl in a college class. I was hoping for some advice on wether to try and move forward or on. I caught this girl looking at me one week(didn't think to much of it). Next week I caught her looking at me again(started to wonder if she was crushing on me, this class meets once a week). Next class she was wearing make up and got rid of her glasses. I get the eye contact again and it last like 5 seconds, and I start to put on some chap stick. She makes EC again doesn't look away and starts putting on lip gloss and then cracks a smile. I start smiling cause I'm thinking I'm in she looks down back up still smiling. After class she bolts don't get a chance to talk to her at all. Next week is a test and I your not supposed to talk during the exam, but she sits right next to me. So as I'm finishing up I deiced to hit and run complement her. She was wearing some crazy boots, so I told her I liked them and they look comfy. Next week she comes all dolled up and sits across from me, but not close enough to talk, and she always bolts like a crazy person after class. It is almost like she is avoiding me. She almost seems to go out of her way to go the other direction after class. We had class today and she sat next to me again and she had a new hair cut and was dressed up (she has worn the boots every class now, and no more glasses with makeup). Now I wanted to talk to her but she is ****ing ignoring me. When she would hand me a paper she would look the other way. Made zero EC was looking for something to go into a conversation. I did catch her looking a few times when I would look back all fast. She would giggle and whisper to her girl friend. When ever there is a chance to talk to her she almost goes out of her way to move away form me and hug up on her friend(girl with a boyfriend). She seems pretty outgoing talks to most people not me though, but I lost motivation to talk to her by the fact she seems to ignore me when I'm next to her. Sorry for the wall for text and the fact this is pretty sad for a college student to be worrying about. I am not good at this stuff and am looking for help from the pros. Do you think this chick has interest? Or should I cut my losses and say forget it, or do you think there is something there. I would like know I good plan of action as well. If you think its worth it how should I break the ice if she seems to ignore me on purpose. Unless she is far enough away to for me to not act. Cause I cant tell if she is shy, or not interested. I'm just not good at this stuff, and I hope you guys can help me. Thanks for time and please dont burn me alive.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
1) Don't compliment her to start things off (it didn't work).
2) CREATE YOUR OWN OPPORTUNITIES (just like James Bond ;))

Most of all, get rid of self-excuses:
- she won't make EC (I guess I can't talk to her right now)
- she runs off too early (and I can't catch up to her cuz I'm not as fast)

Believe me, I know what you are going through, most of us went through this stuff - this stepping out of your comfort zone can make you VERY NERVOUS. You just have to take the first step, and never look back.

REMEMBER,,you are THE MAN,,so BE the MAN.

Say whatever comes natural to you,,if all fails,,use this:

Smell her and tell her she smells like tacos,,and then demand she open her bag!


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
You are right I *****ed out on the talking thing(due to low EC). Any advice on something to say? Wouldn't running her down look pretty needy?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
1) MINDSET This is what it's ALL about. Adopt a mindset (I want to fvck u (in the ass) like you owe me money.... b*tch!) [I don't remember who gets credits for this,,but it's a funny @$$ mindset and actually works,,at least for me)

2) It's not WHAT you say,,it's HOW you say it.

Watch an AFC say: "Hi there."
Watch James Bond (Sean Connery or Roger Moore) say: "Hi there."

Spot the difference?

3) Haha, don't worry about it looking as being needy. (Remember MINDSET? If you don't see it as being needy,,then you won't act like it's being needy,,and therefore it will not be seen as needy). Make stuff up. You were just walking really fast to get to a meeting...and bumped into her. (plus it gives you an eject button right there "ooooh it was pleasant to talk to you... once you dropped that ENORMOUS b*tch shield you had on... but I REALLY have to get to my meeting now..." and # close at least if your gut tells you she likes you)


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
ya, I will practice on randoms chicks this week(and make something happen next Tuesday). As far as the complement thing it was a hit and run tactic I got off this form. I just need to work on my fluff talk, at least I have looks. I would be ****ed without them. Thanks for trying to steer me straight man. Im going to talk to girls all week to just get over it by next time(im agoraphobic so it is really hard on me). I try to keep this updated to make sure I don't simp out. I just hope she doesn't think im gay for not trying to pick her up so far(hand on head). Thanks for the helpful posts.

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Buddy,

I think you're just over-thinking the entire process. It sounds like you're a pretty young guy and the younger the girl is, usually the shyer she is, generally speaking.

From what it sounds like, she's REALLY into you and she's taking all the steps in order to attract you and to have you "do all the work" in the attraction. For these types of girls, the attraction is already built, I don't really find it flat out necessary to run "game" on her, all that needs to be done is comfort building because you guys are still in that "wierd" period where you both know you like one another but don't know how to escalate.

Remember, this is different from a cold approach set.

This girl sounds really attainable. I had a girl just like this before, at the time she was a freshman in college, she was EXTREMELY shy but I just knew she was into me. I had to ask her out 3 times before she said yes. For this girl, just know that she's into you, because she probably is. PERSISTENCE is going to be your key in this one.



Don Juan
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
ya, I think you are right I just need to be more confident and talk to her. It is just weird to try and talk to someone who is avoiding EC.... You have my respect for asking three times. I would have moved on at once. Thanks for your posts, both of you. Anyone got any idea on a good ice breaker that isn't an introduction.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
EvilAgenda said:
1) MINDSET This is what it's ALL about. Adopt a mindset (I want to fvck u (in the ass) like you owe me money.... b*tch!) [I don't remember who gets credits for this,,but it's a funny @$$ mindset and actually works,,at least for me)
HAHAHAHA, I just happened to stumble upon this thread. I can't believe I find it posted as a tip by someone else. And yes, It still actually does work for me when I need it.

I mentioned it in this thread for the first time.