Don Juan
I've been reading posts about not being able to get back with your old interests, because of your old AFC days. I would like to tell you a true story about one of the biggest AFC's you've ever met, and how he got married.
The AFC's name is Mickey. He fell in love with a girl named Jill. He was a major AFC. He tried to be friends with her and then told her how much and lone he had loved her and wanted to get married. Jill had absolutely no interest, and promptly blew him off. Mickey didn't understand what happened (when you love someone you tell them, right
. But Mickey was AFC persistant, borderline stalking. I dated Jill during this period. I thought to myself, what a loser. Of course I was an AFC back then too, and Jill promptly lost interest in me to...
So finally Mickey finally gets the picture that Jill basically can't stand to have him around, so he moves on. This is 4 months later. He had been talking to this European girl and promptly becomes engaged to her. But then 4 months later they start having problems, but the marriage is still on. So he's still in town. For some strange reason, Jill starts liking him. Seeing the challenge of getting a guy whose engaged to someone else, she falls hard for him. Mickey is no DJ, but being engaged to someone else, I'm sure he played hard to get, and inadvertantly used some DJ tactics.
After about a month of dating they got engaged, and later married. What can you learn from this story? Mickey did get the girl he was previously the biggest AFC in the world with. He didn't know he was using DJ tactics, but he did. Mickey did some important things. First he disappeared for a long time. Then he killed his desire for her. By being engaged to someone else, Jill felt comfortable around him again. Then because he was engaged to someone else, he definately played hard to get, and didn't push the relationship. And the rest is history...
Anyway, I've heard to stay away from your Ex's, but I wouldn't rule them out all together. Don't always forget your Ex's, but do always forget your AFC ways!!!
The AFC's name is Mickey. He fell in love with a girl named Jill. He was a major AFC. He tried to be friends with her and then told her how much and lone he had loved her and wanted to get married. Jill had absolutely no interest, and promptly blew him off. Mickey didn't understand what happened (when you love someone you tell them, right
So finally Mickey finally gets the picture that Jill basically can't stand to have him around, so he moves on. This is 4 months later. He had been talking to this European girl and promptly becomes engaged to her. But then 4 months later they start having problems, but the marriage is still on. So he's still in town. For some strange reason, Jill starts liking him. Seeing the challenge of getting a guy whose engaged to someone else, she falls hard for him. Mickey is no DJ, but being engaged to someone else, I'm sure he played hard to get, and inadvertantly used some DJ tactics.
After about a month of dating they got engaged, and later married. What can you learn from this story? Mickey did get the girl he was previously the biggest AFC in the world with. He didn't know he was using DJ tactics, but he did. Mickey did some important things. First he disappeared for a long time. Then he killed his desire for her. By being engaged to someone else, Jill felt comfortable around him again. Then because he was engaged to someone else, he definately played hard to get, and didn't push the relationship. And the rest is history...
Anyway, I've heard to stay away from your Ex's, but I wouldn't rule them out all together. Don't always forget your Ex's, but do always forget your AFC ways!!!