AFC Friends


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Buffalo, N.Y.
My chick has a couple of AFC friends. Now, the problem is, she used to date them a couple years ago (and had sex with all of them). Long story short, I'm hitten it, they're not, yet she runs to them to talk about our relationship problems, but she has sex with me.

I'm an RAFC as of yesterday, so I'm wondering should I care about her friendship with these guys. I know deep down that as far as sexing her, they havn't got a chance (I'm not completely sure about the other, as he's been around since childhood), but she's emotionally open to them (as far as problems) Now, my AFC teachings tell me that a woman should tell her man everything, and only be open to him. What I'm learning here however, says, "as long as I'm getting the ass, who cares?"

The reason I'm asking if this okay for her to have these friends, is that do to my insecurity, she's decided to NEXT her friends of the opposite sex (She was hiding them from me cause she knew I don't like that behaviour) (I call it my insecurity because, instead of risking my heart getting broken, I went ahead and broke up with her instead on Valentines day, and WHOA! Now all of a sudden she understands where I'm coming from)

And I was wondering should I even care in the end?

Also, if she has feelings for another guy (from her past, along the lines of "That summer of 99") Should I be concerned about her actions like that? I have similar memories with a chick from a year back, but I'm moving forward (Even though I couyd still sex her, I'm not)

What I'm saying is, is it okay for her to be friends with him? I KNOW her interest level in me tops his, but yall know where I'm coming from. (They DON'T talk like that, at least according to my knowledge)


las_w RAFC


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
wtf is RAFC cause you definetely ain't reformed if that's what the R means.

You're still an AFC , and yes even AFCs date women.

Now we got that put-down out of the way, seems like this girl has a lot of guy friends which doesn't surprise me. How do you know she runs to them to tell about relationship problems? You're bullshatting, and you're probably bullshatting about having sex with her.

Get back to the DJ Bible, AFC.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Buffalo, N.Y.
What the F*ck?!?!?! Dude, DeathDealer. let's get one thing straight. I DON'T Bullshat. In fact, the fact is, I'm pretty damn good with attracting women, and f*cking them (I HAVE to improve my approaches, but I ATTRACT them pretty damn good), . That's not my F*cking problem. My f*cking problem is how to act in a LTR. I know what the f*ck I'm talking about.

I'm a man that would kick your a**, yet is insecure with Long term relationships and certain things that come along with them. From reading certain post, I thought in this place I could fix that. (REALLY), and then I get retarded responses like that.

And xhikari, I SAID THAT already in my past post, but maybe I should've been more specific (with all the retard'itis here).


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Guys who sit and listen to a girl's problems and feelings have NO chance at all of hitting it. The only exception is in LTRs and marriage. You cannot START a relationship based on listening to her feelings and problems because you'll immediately be classified as another "girlfriend" to her, not a BOYFRIEND which is what you're trying to be. So you don't have much to worry about.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Those guys are emotional tampons, you have nothing to worry about. My girlfriend has all kinds of guys friends but I know two things... First I know who's bologna pony she's riding at the end of the night. Second, her friends know I would break their kneecaps if they ever made a move on her. It's not that they fear me, but they respect where I stand in her life. Personally I love doormats/emotional tampons; I don't have to deal with all of her emotional crap, her crying and belly aching over nothing at all. I can have her for the fun times and let her tampons deal with her over the bad times. I know that sounds terriable, but it just turns out that way, and I like it.


Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
You gotta listen to them ***** for a minute here and there but not right off the bat.