AFC friend


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
I have a friend who busts my balls, and whenever I bust his, he can't take it. He's always making fun of the way I dress..said I looked like I was going to a club and was wearing Ray Charles sunglasses...yet he wears tight k mart shirts and has a beer belly.

He also makes fun of how I'm socially awkward...almost like he's doing this to feel better about himself. I am socially awkward, but he exaggerates it.

He's a member of the NRA and is one of those trigger happy people that wishes someone would break into his house so he could use his gun...a dinner-table racist. He dates UGs and fatties.

And whenever I bring any of this up in defense, he gets mad and says "f*** you."

Anyway, I deleted his number, deleted him off my facebook and everything. I'm just wondering if I should take the high road after this last ball-busting by him, or give it to him good then end it?


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
I had a friend just like that, almost exactly... I cut contact with him too.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
I have a very long time friend that when I started to change and improve myself, try new stuff, do new stuff, started to behave like that, busting my balls out of nowhere, and just acting retarded in general.

I just learned to cut short that kind of stuff, but then again I dont spend as much time with him as I used to.

I think that when you start to do something worthy with your life on some level it bothers them because they are unable to do so, they just don´t have the personal fortitude, and if they are stuck on their own sucky life, they try to descredit your choices and invalidate them, so they can feel better with their own choices.

In a way when they are with you, you are all ways shoving their failure in their faces, simply because you are there, you dont have to do nothing at all.


New Member
Sep 22, 2010
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If he isn't a good friend then no need to keep him around. I'd take the high road and just cut contact. Perhaps in the future he will mature and then perhaps you can consider having him as a friend again.

No need to keep negativity in your life, nor is there any reason to reciprocate it to him by insulting him before you cut contact.