AFC Chump Moves : Study primer of what to avoid

Barefoot Boy

Don Juan
Nov 16, 2008
Reaction score
Clift notes version Part One of the archived post <<Wanted: Your Most AFC Move>>

The kind of guy I was, I was waiting my whole life for something like that to fall into my lap, for things to just happen for me without working for it,
and when it did I couldn't even keep it.
-DJ Adakkon

<<This girl originally had the hots for me,
but over time she completely lost interest in me.>>

Mistake #1: I tolerated disrespectful behavior- She was very flaky.
She would stand me up or cancel dates and I would continue to pursue her
like a lost puppy.

Mistake #2 When she stood me up the first time I should have just walked away,
but I didn't.

Result: I developed an obsession for this girl.

Mistake #3: I told her "I love you" at the end of our second date.
When I did this she knew she had me wrapped around her finger like a trained chimp.

Mistake #4: I was too available and wore my feeling on my sleeve.
I would call her everyday and chat about my feelings toward her-
I now cringe at what a chump I was.

Mistake #5: I asked her to be my girfriend- of course she said no
as all women do when a guy asks. This was the icing on the cake which
killed our platonic friendship <<faux relation-ship>>

<<Looking back, If I had been more of a challenge I probably would have gotten
a lot more respect and interest from her (I made out with her twice so it
wasn't a total loss). In the end, it was a learning experience that I will
never forget because she made me the man I am today. Without her I would have
never found this site.>> -DJ Dust 2 Dust

Moral: Keep growing and remember that you can't scream at the empty fireplace and demand heat without first putting the wood in. -Earl Nightengale

This applies for women as well.

<<I have a bad habit of taking the "make them pursue you" thing too far, and obviously,
if you wait too long to make a move when you already have them in your palm,
they move on, and that hurts.

Generally the women I have known either started thinking I was just some kind of
cold "player," or that I just didn't like them, or probably in most cases that
I just didn't know what I was doing as well as they originally thought
I did. In any case, yeah, big fu-ck up.>>

-DJ pimpfromdayone

Moral: If you wait more than a couple of days to a week, you will go back to spanking yourself, alone in the shower. And it is rude/a D_ck move not to call whenever you ask for her number.

<<Ok, so without thinking twice, approached her after class, introduced myself
and asked for the number. She gave it to me and i said we'll hang out sometime.
I was gonna call her the following weekend...

Instead of asking her out I decided to go drinking with my (male) buds.
Well, for the next month or so she would be there
sitting across from me in class smiling at me all the time.

But i never called her up for one reason: I CHICKENED OUT!!!>>

-DJ Vasa

Moral: Smoking Dope or Drinking kills your sex drive as both are depressants. Why not try nature's Valium? Its available at your local drugstore for $5-8
a bottle. It is over-the-counter, so there's no need to see a doctor
or be afraid of the cops to score some. Just ask for Niacin (also called Vitamin B3) to calm your nerves.

<<I never even got a hug, let alone a kiss - I was far too nervous to even touch her lol even after I did many favors for her such as:

1)Driving her around
2)Buying her cards or gifts or flowers when she is not your girlfriend.
3)Being her emotional tampon.

Moral : After all if she wants a man who doesn't want to finger bang her
or rub his sausage between her brea$ts, than she should go to gay clubs and find homo's to listen to all :crazy: of her personal problems, not you.

XSilverStarboyX wrote: <<I think the worst was one I did about a month ago. A girl I was working on macking had let me kiss her on the cheek. I just did it since it feels gay asking for a kiss. Well One day, I lost all control of myself and went for the lips.
She pushed me away and all my macking went to waste.>>

DJ pimpfromdayone quick response:

"Wait a minute dude... going for the kiss wasn't AFC (although you probably
had no game then to back it up but that is irrelevant). If she rejected you then
she just wasn't that attracted to you, and you did yourself a favor by finding out
early instead of wasting any more time on her."

Moral : stop beating yourself for having a D-ck.

<<As the pub empties, he starts gaming these two HB9s (sisters, both with gorgeous slim bodies) He *convinces* them to come back to his place with us for a few drinks.>>
-DJ vorbis

Moral : You or your friend did not threaten or harass the women to come. He simply made *an offer* to other fellow citizens who have the Double X chromosome who after a long struggle to vote and own their own property *choose* to go with you or your buddies or even a strange man to their private party.

If you do not believe that women are equal to men and have free-will with their special women's derived logic to men, **then you really do not respect women.**
Read that two or three times please.:trouble:

You must really think that women are children in big bodies.

Just grow up!

There are horny adult women who are waiting for you to grow personally! And they choose to.:yes:

Well that it for part one of the AFc Chump Moves Best of: Part One.

I leave you with a quote by our fellow Dj,

"Be Royal in your own fashion: Act like a King and be treated like one."
-DJ Taker
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
I can relate to some of these AFC moves, Barefoot Boy. Great post.