
Billy Bob

Mar 3, 2004
Reaction score
i've been lurking around this site for a while now and have come to the conclusion that I am a pathetic jerk. All my relationships last about 2 days, maybe 3 at the most. 90% are just one night stands. The majority of the things i've read here are so true and i've known a lot of the tips and tacitics that i have read but i've never put them into practice. I'm ready to change my pathetic lifestyle. I don't have any problems meeting women in a bar or club but when it comes to everyday life I'm afraid to really even look at a female. I feel inferior for some reason. I'm not looking for any type of relationship really but I want to have options. Instead of me chasing and calling girls; i would like it to be the other way around for a change. Anyway......on to my current situation that I need advice about:

There is this chic in one of my classes, only decent looking one out of 70 ~my college has a lack of good looking females in my major~ I just enrolled to this university last semester so I don't really know that many people. I don't make friends that fast, im a shy pathetic jerk :) Anyway, I've noticed her glancing at me from time to time; actually it's more like a stare as if she wanted me to know she was looking. I sit in the back of the class and most of the time she will come and sit relatively close if not beside me. the class is held in an auditorium so it's quite a few steps to get to where i am sitting. The other night i'm positive she was starring at me, i noticed it a few times but never looked at her. She always speaks to me; usually asks a question pertaining to the class, ie homework, is there a test today. etc... Things I'm pretty sure she already knows. Usually at the end of class she makes a quick exit but not the other night. She took her time. We were pretty much by outselves; it would have been the perfect time to maybe ask her out or just she if she wanted to go get a drink. Of course being the spineless shy jerk that I am I didn't even look at her, just gathered my things and left. I felt like a total dumbass when I got back to my apartment. It was the perfect chance. I don't think it would have bothered my half as bad if i were shot down instead of not saying anything at all. We have class again tomorrow night, How should I go about the approach ?Hell, i'm not sure what I would really say to her ? I've been reading the info on this site but it's a lot to digest in the few weeks i've been reading.

Any advice appreciated, Sorry for the length.

Walk this Way

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Go up to her after class, put your arm gently on her lower back, maybe offer to give her a hand with a book or two, and ask

"Hey, what's up?"
She will smile, and probably say nothing much.
Then ask her if she'd like to share a bowl of cereal sometime (saw this one at this site sometime I think, works beautifully).
She'll laugh and say sure.

Well, get cereal and milk and follow through with this plan sometime in the afternoon. Take a walk in the park afterwards, maybe go to a movie, just spend a quality day with her, and don't forget to hug/kiss her goodnight, preferably kiss, even cheek is better than a hug.