advice plz


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
hellows all xD im new here. uh jus wonderin how would all u smooth people out there go about gettin a girl u dont see too much and goes to a different school.

c da thing is i dun see her much in person, but we talk on aim and used to talk on da phone. im still very much ur AFC and like told her i liked her a while back. i thought she liked me becuz she was willin to spend a day wif me (we saw a movie :cool: ) and we hadnt really known each other yet, but she doesnt feel da same way. fast forwarding a lil bit, im worried im in dat "nice guy friend" zone wif her. she kinda has a boyfriend, but hes gone to college now so i dink i mite have a chance. how do i know if they still goin out and if they arent anymore if i stand a chance wif her? lol sry i kinda changed the question and/or added another one. an answer would be appreciated thx


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hey welcome,
This journey is going to be long but its worth it for sure.

Ok I'll save you a lot of time by making this simple. Move on.

Thats sounds harsh but its true in everyway. If i didnt say it someone else will but im not just going to leave you like that.

OK so i dont recommend doing anything i tell you here with this girl, simply becuase it would be a waste of energy and you will be missing out on others girls. But here we go.

You messed already when you revealed your feelings so early. You didnt even seem to attract or anything. You just did AFC style. And o yea, spending an entire day with one girl be seem good but o lord is it bad.

For one it shows you are all about her. You arent a challenge. You are a push over. Girls want guys who they cant walk over or have their way with so easily. You seem to give yourself over to her too quickly. You should never give your whole self to a girl ever. You need some mystery in there.

I cant sit and explain all the things you should know and do. I just tell you what they are and where to find them. One is ****y and funny, negs. Learn how to use them and when. Then storytelling and dhv. Then rapport building and comfort. Learn the mystery method structure. Read up on Tyler Durden posts and Juggler stuff.

To find all this stuff, go to . I dont no how helpful the DJ Bible here is with explaining all that to you.

So good luck



Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
wow talk about counter intuitive lol... >.> anywayz thx fer da tips. i dun think its too late (atleast i hope not ><). i think imma try sometime in da future. who knows maybe if i dun get her atleast ill leave da AFC zone.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
well.. yeah u screwed up... first for going for someone with a boyfriend (altho u could make her cheat/break up with him.. ive done it its possible.. but kinda of a waste of time there plenty of single girls).. and second.. telling her ur feelings waaay too early..

if i were u i would jsut ask her out.. ur prolly gonna get rejected.. but at least ur gonna get over her and move on.. but hey.. she might go out with u ;)


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
uh when i told her i liked her before she didnt have a boyfriend. now im not too sure tho. iono if they still goin out. is there any way to find out? i dun think i should ask her out jus yet >.> especially if im gonna get rejected -.-''