Advice, please?


New Member
Oct 26, 2003
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There is this girl who ive been friends with for about 3-4 years, but before we got off last summer i started to like her a LOT. She went away over the summer and i missed her loads over the 7 weeks. When she got back she started calling me and i really thought i was fallin for her and maybe she felt the same. It gave me a reason to look forward to school, but when i went back she seemed really frosty and distant, 2 months have passed and still no improvment even though i gave her some time and distance. When i saw her act normal around her friends i thought it was me. Perhaps an unbiasd view could tell me what im sure is an obvious truth to everyone else. I hoped maybe she felt the same and therefore it was awkward, but i think maybe my feelings are blinding me from the truth which is that she probably met somone or noticed a change in the way i acted towards her because i feel this way. Help!

P.s. 4 years ago i didn't notice her, but since we've gradually become good friends, but i did have a crush on her 2-3 years ago, but that faded as i realised she only wanted to be friends. Then again initially she came on to me. I dont want to ruin an excellent friendship, but im affraid sooner or later the u know wat is goin to hit the fan.

Also, i asked her out once with friends and she said no, and im afraid if we talk about this so openly it might mess up our friendship. What do you think im confused.


New Member
Oct 26, 2003
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maybe if i type a reply this will go further up the list and get noticed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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hyphy bay area, ca
Congratulations! You are now the poster boy for my new "read the DJ bible" campaign!

Look man, it's in the bible. It's stickied there for a reason. No one replied because why type out a few paragraphs when they can tell you to read the bible and see whats up?

Back to your extremely common problem (do a search next time, knucklehead), you most likely don't have a chance with this girl. If she doesn't even talk to you, then that is a problem. It will take a good amount of time to reverse. I would consider trying to make lots of female friends, but since you are on this forum looking for advice, chances are you're not too great at that either. So reas the bible, spend some time here at the DJ forums.

I'm ACDC, you can call me Sebastian. Feel free to PM me with any questions, or IM me @ HangTen3000.

Nov 22, 2002
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yeah, great way to welcome a new guy! (apparently americans arnt that good at sarcasm)

look, well done, you found the site! If you study it, you can be a new man. Its got everything you need in it about becoming the alpha male, building your confidence and being successful with women. You'll find that if you manage the first two (which is difficult), then the rest will follow.

In regards to your current problem, a high school environment isnt the best. Try to get in contact with her outside your school. Then just go from there. You need to get it resolved because no matter how much of an afc you are, no matter how underconfident or average looking, you can always improve and be happy. All you need to do, is read the bible. I know this current girl means a lot to you but try to realise that your young, more will come along. So if you want to give this one a last try, all i can suggest is moving! Doing something! Testing the water! Finding out for sure if you have a shot. And remember, she should be the one to wonder if she has a shot with you ;)

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
I'm sorry to break this but you are in what is known as the friendship zone. There is nothing you can do. Take this a lesson and move on.