This whole situation started after my cousins and u stayed at a shore house for a week. My cousins friend came over and i thought she was kind of cute so i would talk to her, crack jokes and she responded well by laughing at anything i did non stop. She thought i hated her the first 4 days for some reason (she even asked one of my cousins if i did but he told her we dident know eachother that well yet) i dont know why i guess the way i flirted with her. After the shore trip she was going away for college then at break-feast my cousin got a text from her saying she missed me already. She then gave me her phone number without me asking for it. But through facebook in an conversation that lasted from 11:30 to 1:15 it felt like she was trying to know me better it seemed by asking a lot of hard life questions. She told me any girl would be lucky to be with me and stuff then asked me if i would ever go out with a girl like her. I told her yes then she said "good lucking finding a girl like me" and i said "i dont think i need to" (i think that was smooth on my part). Then it got silent and i went to bed. She is visiting in new jersey soon and wants me to go see her but i am thinking she may see me more as a friend because we do text a lot. Should i try flirting a little harder when she visits and see her response? or just accept this girl as a friend and move on.