She replied with I was in a weird mood, hi how are you.
Nooooooooo. The answer is no response. She wanted attention and super insecure chick. Had numerous do this bull****. Don't reply to the hoe are you unless it's a date offer
She does now sound like she's fishing for attention, or trying to say she wants to see you in a really socially inept kind of way. Some girls are just really socially inadequate like this. It's not really their fault. They are just so passive and apathetic towards things.
It's like one of my exes who will message every now and again saying, 'Hi, how are you', every month or so. I've tried hooking up with her again, but every time she's either busy or flakes, or whatever. So I don't bother anymore, and this seems to surprise her somehow.
There comes a point with women like this who have flaked so often or just seeking attention like that, they have to take some initiative themselves. I've got time for women who are interested and show it; not this kind of self-pitying, or half-hearted, 'Hi, how are you nonsense'. Women should be maintaining
your interest, as much as you need to keep theirs.