Advice on How to Give Them a Wide Range of Emotion and Keep Them Frustrated/Guessing

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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Sup Guys,

Read an article about how women become attracted to men on Desdinova's blog. The article suggests making women feel a wide range of emotions (very popular topic in seduction community) and making her emotions fluctuate (happy/sad/angry/excited) as opposed to doing your best to keep her constantly happy. He goes on to say that men are content when they experience happiness in a relationship but women are not that way. The man needs to keep her frustrated so her minds races thinking about him.

Any advice or links to threads/articles about this topic? I mean I know this goes back to being a mystery and keeping her guessing. Also being ****y and funny and push pull. Anything else involved here? Also, any examples of how you may go about doing this in a not serious relationship and a LTR? (Any differences in how you go about it?) It's harder to do when in a LTR since you are living with the woman and she knows where you are most of the time.

Should we be trying to purposefully make them a little mad/angry at us and then give them a good time?

Here's the link to the article in case any of you guys want to read it.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
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I'd say if you can be unaffected when she tries to wind you up, aswell as being unserious and always answer her questions with questions of your own, which should lead her to a answer of her own. Then you'll be able to provoke her atleast. But in the end, you don't want to do this all the time. You've got to be spontaneous, hard to predict.

Though, I don't see much more into it than keeping her guessing, ****y funny and push pull. If you can do these 3 things you should be in a good place for what you want to achieve.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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Keiz said:
I'd say if you can be unaffected when she tries to wind you up, aswell as being unserious and always answer her questions with questions of your own, which should lead her to a answer of her own. Then you'll be able to provoke her atleast. But in the end, you don't want to do this all the time. You've got to be spontaneous, hard to predict.

Though, I don't see much more into it than keeping her guessing, ****y funny and push pull. If you can do these 3 things you should be in a good place for what you want to achieve.

What you said is pretty much what I've come to understand is the way to keep them guessing and being unpredictable but it looks to me like this is something that works and feels more normal at the beginning of a relationship. Don't see guys really doing pus/pull and ****y/funny techniques later on when things get serious or dare I say you marry someone. How would it work then?

Are all relationships then doomed and destined to fail after it becomes increasingly hard to be a mystery and keep them guessing the more comfortable and settled you get with a woman?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
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It really depends on you. If you can keep it up, was it all an act? Or is it a part of who you are? Being spontaneous when you get the chance, a opportunist one could say, will get you far in LTR's and marriage. Other than that, I don't know. I would imagine it gets harder, but still quite possible. I can't speak from experience, since I am not into LTR's myself.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
Reaction score
I hear you. After a while this stuff will become automatic and part of who we are so it would be authentic. I'm thinking after a while with a girl in a LTR it becomes more about having value, options and giving her more fun than she can have with anybody else. Surprising here here and there helps too.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
One absolutely critical point is to as covertly as possible establish a rep as a player and potential cheating threat very early on in the relationship(without actually cheating, which will destroy trust and convert your relationship into more of a hostage situation than anything). If your game is tight you won't really have to do anything at all, if you are newer then some overt disclosures and even flat out misrepresentations if need be are warranted.

Then you let the hamster interpret every and any event going forward how it will, and profit.

Again, that is just one tactic but others are needed.
I like this suggestion. I can see how establishing that early on can work to our advantage later on in the relationship.

What other tactics are there?

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
It's not so much about having tactics per se; it's moreso about becoming a person that's willing to be a leader. A leader, by default, is going to have to make decisions from time to time that his followers - in this case, the girlfriend/fiance/wife - aren't going to find popular. That's why the easiest way to keep a woman feeling different emotions with you is to make yourself the decision-maker in the relationship.


1. You wake up one day and tell your girl: "Hey, be ready in 5 minutes, I'm taking you someplace special!" Her mood: excited.

2. You wake up one day and tell your girl: "Hey, I have to go run some errands, I'll be back in a couple of hours." She says she wants to run them with you; your response: "No, that's okay, I need some alone time anyway." Her mood: partially fearful that you wanting to be alone has to do with her, and partially mad that you're not allowing her to come along.

3. You wake up one morning and tell your wife: "Hey... so, found out I got a new job position last night, so we're going to have to move by next week." Her mood: either excited because it's so sudden, or very upset because it's so sudden.

4. You wake up one morning and tell your fiance: "Hey... so, I don't really like the colors you chose for our wedding; I like blue instead." Her mood: annoyed, but also talkative because now she's going to have to have a convo with you about this color change.

As you can see, just by being willing to make decisions that may or may not make her happy, it's going to allow her to feel a rainbow of emotions depending on if she agrees with it or not. If you learn not to always bend in your decision or opinion when you think a woman will disagree with you, it will allow her to feel the emotions she needs to feel without you having to force it.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I don't have many other tactics and while it is very easy for me to find girlfriends(serial monogamist) they don't tend to last too long for a number of reasons, mainly flawed screening and hypergamy-related. So what I can really give you are tools to keep the intensity of the relationship very hot even if there is an expiration date 1 year down the road.

1. Avoiding routine activities is important. I mean I try to be a "fun" boyfriend and I do a lot of cool(read: expensive) stuff with my GFs but I work a ton and don't have enough time to feed the entitlement black hole of endless feelz and thrillz that adrenaline junkie women have...ultimately I feel like I can easily lose out to the 9 to 5'er that because for all the work I do I still don't make that much more if not less than many 9 to 5'ers(presumably I will make much more in the future though and actually get vacation time to boot).

2. One other one is make damn sure to bring it 100% of the time in the bedroom. If you do not feel you can do that at a specific time for whatever reason then withhold sex from her until you can.

3. Another thing is to be incredibly varied in sex and constantly escalating...but not too quickly. Also, do not underestimate the depravity of the female sex drive. If you think you're going too far...keep going. She'll tell you if you go to far but may be far too entitled to tell you when you don't go far enough...easier to just replace you lol.

4. Of course there is always the dark arts of push pull re: never fully validating your gf, having female friends around to escalate competition anxiety, going out with known players to clubs sans her, etc etc...kind of "over" doing these things beyond the initial attraction stage though, where it comes naturally as I am living the single life at that time anyway. My last relationship was heavily held together on fear and Im not sure that is necessary, certainly doesn't feel proper at age 27.
Thanks for the pointers man. I agree with all of them. I think it was Doc Love that said that if there's one thing women won't tolerate from men is boredom. She will deal with you not having your **** together yet or having/commitment issues/difficult personality but one thing she will leave you for is if she becomes bored.

Girls I've gone out with have sort of told me to slow down a bit because I was being too aggressive in the sex arena. So I'm with you in that is best to take things further and push. She will let me know if I've gone too far. I've had difficulties in the past distinguishing the more classy/shy ones from the ones that will be more open and crazier about sex right away.

You lost me in the end when you said your last relationship was held together on fear. What kind of fear?

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
Reaction score
Harry Wilmington said:
It's not so much about having tactics per se; it's moreso about becoming a person that's willing to be a leader. A leader, by default, is going to have to make decisions from time to time that his followers - in this case, the girlfriend/fiance/wife - aren't going to find popular. That's why the easiest way to keep a woman feeling different emotions with you is to make yourself the decision-maker in the relationship.


1. You wake up one day and tell your girl: "Hey, be ready in 5 minutes, I'm taking you someplace special!" Her mood: excited.

2. You wake up one day and tell your girl: "Hey, I have to go run some errands, I'll be back in a couple of hours." She says she wants to run them with you; your response: "No, that's okay, I need some alone time anyway." Her mood: partially fearful that you wanting to be alone has to do with her, and partially mad that you're not allowing her to come along.

3. You wake up one morning and tell your wife: "Hey... so, found out I got a new job position last night, so we're going to have to move by next week." Her mood: either excited because it's so sudden, or very upset because it's so sudden.

4. You wake up one morning and tell your fiance: "Hey... so, I don't really like the colors you chose for our wedding; I like blue instead." Her mood: annoyed, but also talkative because now she's going to have to have a convo with you about this color change.

As you can see, just by being willing to make decisions that may or may not make her happy, it's going to allow her to feel a rainbow of emotions depending on if she agrees with it or not. If you learn not to always bend in your decision or opinion when you think a woman will disagree with you, it will allow her to feel the emotions she needs to feel without you having to force it.
Interesting take Harry. Had not thought about it this way but I think you are spot on. The first example is actually something I've done and it works very well most of the time. Girls like surprises and doing things out of nowhere.

The third one is a bit tough though. In most marriages or serious relationships I don't think is realistic for the man to just tell to the woman: "Hey hun we are moving so and so and so ..." In these cases, it usually requires a conversation and coming together on a decision. The man would at the very least comment about it before straight out saying we are moving. Unless its something that has been talked about before.

Let's see ... trying to think of other examples ...

The woman gets home from work and is taking her work clothes off to change and go in the kitchen to cook dinner. The man surprises her by taking her clothes off and taking her to bed. Then he orders food or takes her out to eat. This would disrupt the routine, give her pleasure and a good time.

One example that would generate a negative/positive emotion would be if you act like you forgot a special date or anniversary (sadness) and follow that if a big surprise by doing something she really likes and has been asking for a long time (happiness).

Any more examples?

The negative emotion ones are harder to think about then the positive ones.