Hello my fellow don juaners. what do you do if your gf tells u she loves you but needs time to get over her issues with you. she has trust issues with me which i can see why she does but its not like im not trustworthy. i am. we have been fighting alot and shes become more of a ***** the nicer i am to her. so last month she told me she wanted a break and i basically acted afcish and tried to convince her it was a bad idea. didnt work. anyways well i guess we were on a "break" but we still talked and saw each other regularly. and had lots of sex during our "break". so it was basically the same but we still had that underlying tension. well i dealt with her *****yness for that entire time cuz i guess i knew why she was acting that way and was just gonna weather the storm till things got better. well of course nothing did. and finally last week i went over to her house while she was sick to be the "nice guy" and show her i care bring her some soup and take care of her. well i was late an hour and because of that she was a total ***** the entire night cuz she thought i was up to no good. i took it for a little bit and waited for her to come around but never happened. i ended up telling her f u and leaving. we then proceeded to argue for like two hours over text and basically ending the relationship. of course i was hurt but i stood my ground and didnt talk to her the next day. the next couple days she was crying her eyes out and telling me how much she wanted me back and blah blah blah. so i told her to come over and i had sex with her and all was gravy. things were great for about a week. she told me she thinks she still needed time to get over her issues with me but that never really happened. well the other day we got into another fight over the dumbest **** (which seems to always be the case, shes pretty petty) she said she couldnt handle this right now and maybe "in the future" we could work "maybe were better off as friends". so i told her fine and to grow up. so today she sends me an email from work to just initiate conversation im guessing. i didnt respond. well i guess my question is what do i do from here? i love her very much and dont really wanna lose her. what should i do to make her really want me back again under conditions that are more beneficial to me or "us". im sorry if the story is kind of vague but i tried to make a long story short.