I Want To Be a Playa said:
Good point man. I'll take that into consideration. Now that you mention it, who are the good posters?
Dude, you are looking at things the wrong way.
The "best" posters are often different from the best mackers. A lot of KJs can write superduper posts by reguritating what DeAngelo or Mystery or Pook or TD say. You'll just learn to be a KJ from these guys.
Some dudes who don't know **** about approaching might be gurus when it comes to maintaining a relationship. The guys who are great at the night club scene might have no day game, the best C/F merchants might not know where the **** is.
Each of us have to work to our strengths. A really good looking dude who isn't good at conversation is going to have radically different game from a short funny looking bloke with a wicked sense of humour.
The guys who are great mackers will often throw in troll post, will be sarcastic, crack a joke, write something counter intuitive, play devils advocate, one day be all spiritual and deep and meaningful the next day full of testosterone and feel like flaming every ****er who writes a dumb post, will write what the person who is asking the question needs to hear not what is the best text book answer is etc etc...
Real DJs undertsand that there is no magic bullet, no single success formular, that opposites are the same; that good is bad, up is down, right is wrong, night is day, black is white, failure is success, confusion is understanding, not knowing is knowing... those ****ers can be real frustrating!
That kind of unpredicatabilty is a sign of a dude who loves and spends a lot of time interacting with the babes. It is a sign of a guy who has real experience and is here, not to win approval but coz he's having fun. Sometimes they will give you gold, but sometimes it will be fools gold.
Don't be so concerned with who the "best" posters are. Be more concerned with each post. Try to relate the advice to situations in real life. Try to figure out not so much what is being said but the content behind it. That will also put you on the path to better understanding of the way women communicate.
Make sure you get out there and put things to the test. And make up your own mind about EVERYTHING!