white cloud 8
Senior Don Juan
Could I have help with my last question, please? Right now I have a sense that I shouldn't pursue this any further. I was thinking to myself earlier of how it started, she started smiling at me and we began to have conversations, at first I didn't think it was anything, she was just being friendly. From then on, she would always make eye contact with me and smile (ask me how I was). Man......am I stupid or what, I waited too long. Now I am just reviewing to myself of all the missed opportunities, and, I didn't do anything. So I am just saying to myself "What an idiot"
. Judging from her body language and attitude (yesterday when I saw her at class) it looks like she lost interest in me, little or no eye contact, no smile, she didn't talk to me. I'm sort of upset that I didn't capitalize on this.