Advice - Girl stops calling, how to stay friends with her friends


New Member
Nov 24, 2007
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So I was seeing this girl for about 3 weeks. We met on a school trip hooked up the 2nd night but I could tell right away she was into me. Went on a couple dates and then another trip. After this last trip I call her to do something, she is away from her place and said shed call the next day when she has her schedual. She calls says she is busy on the day I suggested and then says she will call on the weekend. Told her I was having a party on the weekend and facebook invited her(also told her when i talked to her earlier on phone). She posted a message that she may be able to come after work. Weekend comes around, no call. I call Sunday and leave a message with a cell # (my phone was busted for a while). Almost a week later still havent heard back from her.

The 2nd part is I'm sure its over for what ever reason(I have a few: I stupidly admitted early on I got out of LTR, she would ask me what I wanted out of this, I would tell her and she would never respond when i asked her the same, she acted really secrative about us, i tried to kiss her on the last trip in public and she pulled away). Anyways I would like to remain friends with her. She has hot friends and they are fun to party with.

So onto the advice. Should I call back one more time? Should I try and talk to one of her friends that I could see on campus? Or should i just ignore everthing completely.
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
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You should try and hook up with her friends.
What's your plan?


New Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Absolutely I should try hooking up with her friends. I'm kind of AFC like in that i want to know why she stopped calling. I'd rather be FB with her but I'd have no problem moving onto her friends.

As for a plan, I need to figure that one out.
I was going to wait till i see her friends and scope out what the situation is(should be in the next couple days). Depending on how that goes, give the girl a call and see if she will meet to talk. From there figure out if there is a chance to just be friends(FB?, that one is a long shot).