Advice from Virgins


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2007
Reaction score
If someone posts a question on a forum dedicated to seducing women they absolutely don't want advice from someone who has never seduced a woman. In fact they probably don't want advice from anyone who's been with fewer than 5 women (unless it's in the highschool forum, and even then.)

IMHO you should lurk or strictly post FR until you get start getting laid consistantly. Why do you need to post? An internet forum is close to being the nerdiest thing in existence. Once you've read the 'Bible' and have grasped the main concepts I don't see what posting here daily will do except turn you into a loser.

If this irritates you because you fit in this category and you want to keep posting I don't really care because I'm not around much but to me it just seems like you're wasting your time and probably everyone else's.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Screw you

punchitchewy said:
If someone posts a question on a forum dedicated to seducing women they absolutely don't want advice from someone who has never seduced a woman. In fact they probably don't want advice from anyone who's been with fewer than 5 women (unless it's in the highschool forum, and even then.)

IMHO you should lurk or strictly post FR until you get start getting laid consistantly. Why do you need to post? An internet forum is close to being the nerdiest thing in existence. Once you've read the 'Bible' and have grasped the main concepts I don't see what posting here daily will do except turn you into a loser.

If this irritates you because you fit in this category and you want to keep posting I don't really care because I'm not around much but to me it just seems like you're wasting your time and probably everyone else's.

Obviously, not all questions need to be answered by experts. Some of the questions on here are so stupid, you don't need an Einstein to answer them.

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
IMHO you should lurk or strictly post FR until you get start getting laid consistantly.
Damn, I'm not even a virgin, but why don't you stop with your nagging elitist attitude? And who says that one needs a string of empirical experiences that gives one a limited view of the dating game to be able to offer judicious advice and inspiration in certain situations where you simply need to assess the human psyche? This is a free-for-all community, topics need as many view points as possible to give them perspective. Let people contribute as they see fit as long as their content isn't heinous or blasphematory.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
crossboss said:
Obviously, not all questions need to be answered by experts. Some of the questions on here are so stupid, you don't need an Einstein to answer them.
Correction, "Most" of the questions on here are stupid, and just repeats from a question you can find 2-3 pages back.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2007
Reaction score
I see your guy's point. A lot of the questions don't need to be answered because by those with more experience because they've been answered so many times by everyone it doesn't matter.

However to Kaim, calling me elitest may be a bit harsh but fair in context so I'll try to explain my point of view, although yours is valid if that is your motivation for coming here.

A lot of guys come here desperate for advice on how to get women, in a similar way a guy goes to a doctor desperate for advice on how to get well. I personally would never come to a forum like this to communally share and express opinions on the human psyche, I would come here for solid advice to fix my problem. Going back to the metaphor, I want a doctor who's dealt with the problem successfully before and not some first year science student who is guessing and acting like he knows. I personally feel it's dangerous to tell someone something that could significantly alter their life when you really don't know what you're doing. There are guys here who have never had a girlfriend chanting things like, "Dump the b1tch", "You guys are all idiots, a real man would spit in her 6'6 260 lb boyfriend's face," "You gotta just tell the fat friend cb to fvck off, it will demonstrate value","If you're not always wearing a suit and scowling you're an AFC",

Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit but you see my point.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
One does not need to have had sex with 100 women to give advice. I currently have terrible success with women but even I have been known to give good advice. The key is that I stay away from the truly difficult questions that only persons with a lot of advice should answer. But those types of questions are rarely asked.

You can't forget though, that it is up to the asker to read each response and consider if the advice is sound. If it isn't then don't fallow. It's as simple as that.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
punchitchewy said:
I see your guy's point. A lot of the questions don't need to be answered because by those with more experience because they've been answered so many times by everyone it doesn't matter.

However to Kaim, calling me elitest may be a bit harsh but fair in context so I'll try to explain my point of view, although yours is valid if that is your motivation for coming here.

A lot of guys come here desperate for advice on how to get women, in a similar way a guy goes to a doctor desperate for advice on how to get well. I personally would never come to a forum like this to communally share and express opinions on the human psyche, I would come here for solid advice to fix my problem. Going back to the metaphor, I want a doctor who's dealt with the problem successfully before and not some first year science student who is guessing and acting like he knows. I personally feel it's dangerous to tell someone something that could significantly alter their life when you really don't know what you're doing. There are guys here who have never had a girlfriend chanting things like, "Dump the b1tch", "You guys are all idiots, a real man would spit in her 6'6 260 lb boyfriend's face," "You gotta just tell the fat friend cb to fvck off, it will demonstrate value","If you're not always wearing a suit and scowling you're an AFC",

Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit but you see my point.
You have a valid point, and that is not taking away from any other poster. If a newb gives bad advice, it will be exposed very quickly by the experienced guys. Even the experienced guys get schooled time to time. No one knows everything.

The important thing for me is to realize that getting an answer to your question isn't going to fix your problem. It is what you decide to do once you found the answer you were looking for. That is what counts the most.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
I wasn't aware that this forum was just about f*cking random hors. In fact, the FAQ for this forum specifically says that premarital sex is not required and that Christians (including virgins) are welcome.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Kaim Argonar said:
And who says that one needs a string of empirical experiences that gives one a limited view of the dating game to be able to offer judicious advice and inspiration in certain situations where you simply need to assess the human psyche?
Come again?

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
punchitchewy said:
IMHO you should lurk or strictly post FR until you get start getting laid consistantly. Why do you need to post? An internet forum is close to being the nerdiest thing in existence. Once you've read the 'Bible' and have grasped the main concepts I don't see what posting here daily will do except turn you into a loser.
I like what you're saying, except for the virgin part. Getting laid all the time is not the only result of being a DJ. Experience is important, though. I would never want advice from a dude who has kissed less than five girls.

And yea, you're right. Some of the advice on here is awful.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I used to think certain posters were KJ's but most of them turned out to be speaking from experience, I just realized they view the world differently than I do

the ones that do KJ, it's pretty obvious because all their posts are mental masturbation instead practical advice, or they just repeat played out generalizations


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
If you had to be hugely succesfull with women, barely anyone would be posting, that's why we are all here!

Hell I'm a huge keyboard jockey, but I still have an active social life. I'm usally one of the first people to know that a party is on or whatever. Time I spend on here is deducted from other places in my life, never my social life.

Also saying that KJ just repeat what others have said is just an untrue asumption. The same is true with people who don't use correct grammar.

Everything here should be taken with a lot of salt, like many peopl have said. Just a risk you have to take when asking for advice, because no one here actually knows you or your situation. In the end it comes down to your own judgement.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
that's fine, but when dudes start giving advice and it's not coming from experience, thats retarded. then the guys who ARE out there trying to figure where they're going wrong in their sarge start taking advice from guys who don't know what they're talking about to begin with and get nowhere

those are the KJ's I'm talking about. the ones who reply to every question with, "you need to be more alpha". or miraculously infer from neutral conversation that the girl is not interested and should be nexted


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
ready123 said:
that's fine, but when dudes start giving advice and it's not coming from experience, thats retarded. then the guys who ARE out there trying to figure where they're going wrong in their sarge start taking advice from guys who don't know what they're talking about to begin with and get nowhere

those are the KJ's I'm talking about. the ones who reply to every question with, "you need to be more alpha". or miraculously infer from neutral conversation that the girl is not interested and should be nexted

I totally agree.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Crossboss said:
Originally Posted by ready123
that's fine, but when dudes start giving advice and it's not coming from experience, thats retarded. then the guys who ARE out there trying to figure where they're going wrong in their sarge start taking advice from guys who don't know what they're talking about to begin with and get nowhere

those are the KJ's I'm talking about. the ones who reply to every question with, "you need to be more alpha". or miraculously infer from neutral conversation that the girl is not interested and should be nexted

I totally agree.
Me three.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
I wasn't aware that this forum was just about f*cking random hors. In fact, the FAQ for this forum specifically says that premarital sex is not required and that Christians (including virgins) are welcome.
I wasn't aware of this but if you're not pulling my leg on this it's a good point in favor of the board. Bedding women is highly overrated in our society IMO. Life is a lot bigger than that single dimension.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
crossboss said:
Obviously, not all questions need to be answered by experts. Some of the questions on here are so stupid, you don't need an Einstein to answer them.
Great. Stick to answering those questions only!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
I'm a type of person that no one ever said I gave a bad advice in my life - about anything. I'm no virgin, or wimp, and my problem when it comes to females often is: I KNOW better, I know how I should and should not behave/talk/etc.. but i STILL do it wrong way (the opposite of what i know is good).. and often I'm like Vlad wtf are you doing??


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
I'm a type of person that no one ever said I gave a bad advice in my life - about anything. I'm no virgin, or wimp, and my problem when it comes to females often is: I KNOW better, I know how I should and should not behave/talk/etc.. but i STILL do it wrong way (the opposite of what i know is good).. and often I'm like Vlad wtf are you doing??
that's a really good point. there's a big gap between knowing how to handle a situation and actually putting it into practice.