Advancing things with girl that is leaving


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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Hey folks,

I've known this girl for around a year, she just grauduated and I'm a year below her. I've really never wanted anything to do with her in terms of a sexual relationship (she's not the most attractive), but she was an awesome friend. She'd pretty much bend to every one of my requests, "say can you help me finish my math", "can you finish my project", etc.

Fast forward to the end of the year, she invites me to her graduation, I don't go because I'm out of town. Around the end of June I call her on my friends cell-phone to come drive around with us. She and her friend do and this begins my current stage.

We traded emails, and I got her number (apparently she already had mine without even asking me :nono: ). We'd hang out a couple times, and go to parties but by the end of July things really started to become active. She'd call me pretty much every day, ask to hang out, etc. This leads me and many of my friends to believe she's interested in me.

Now I don't think it's the fact we think she's into me that made me interested in her, I think it's her personallity. She's funny, up to date, and likes to party.

One day a few days ago, she randomly calls me and tells me that she's dropping a friend off to my place so I can find a ride for her back to her house in another town. She said she had to go to work and had to get rid of her, but when we were driving off, I gave her the finger and acted pissed, but playfully.

After this incident she didn't call for a couple days, and by this time I think I'm having one-itis so I start to think WAY TOO MUCH about my actions (very afcish). I call her today, she's at work and promises to call me after her shift. She does, but I'm not home and this was hours ago. I can't decide if I should still call her tonight (it's getting late, I have to work tomorrow, and she is dipped into many social circles so she'll most likely already be hanging out with some girls or guys I hardly know).

I'm thinking I should stop being a *****, call her up, hang out, and try to keep things moving before she leaves state next week. I just don't know how to advance things with her, any words of advice.

And please give me any verbal abuse that's needed, I need to get out of my ***** shell.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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Delete the other one, it was an accident. My apologies for the double post.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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She picked me up about 3 AM this morning and we drove around for about two hours. Did alot of talking, joking, etc. but nothing really advanced. I try to do some light kino here and there and do some teasing (changing the song on the CD, keeping her Cellphone away from her, etc.) but didn't really same to go anywhere.

I guess after she dropped me off, she went over to this guy's house that I keep joking to her is her boyfriend. She denies it fully, and a few of her friends have told me he isn't either (one even said in front of this girl that the guy was rubbing her leg, etc.).

She's leaving in about 4-5 days, and we're supposed to hang out later.

I need some advice to get things moving or just a way to tell if she'd interested. I don't like wasting my time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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I'll put this here since the "highschool forum" doesn't get much attention, and threads whining about how life sucks get 300 replies. Hence, I'll self bump.

I was talking with a natural today, who also happens to be a cousin of this girl. He's a very quiet guy around women and even during every day life.

He told me he gets pretty much any ***** that he wants by doing the following:

- Never asks to hang out/do things with a girl, he always expects them to ask him.
- He automatically assumes a girl wants something if she is hanging out with him. Either it be sex, advancement socially, etc. He told me every girl he's hung out with had a purpose otherwise they wouldn't want to hang out with him. They want something to be hanging out with a guy.
- He said, 90% of the time he'll deny women the opportunity to do things with him. He'll say he's busy, etc. Alot of the time he doesn't even answer their calls. For an example he was telling me that instead of hanging out with a girl who is willing to have sex with him even though she has a boyfriend he spent the evening driving around with his guy friends instead of having the chance to get laid.
- Never leaves a message when he does call.
- When he is actually busy at work and recieves a call he'll call them back in a few days, not when he's actually done.
- Don't give a **** about how the girl reacts if he's trying to move forward. If she denies him, he says, "whatever"
- He doesn't care about women. He said when he wants ***** he'll try to obtain *****, other than that he tries to leave women out of his life.

When I heard him say this tonight, it almost made me shiver deep inside. This is the same exact **** I hear day in and day out on the forum (I think he may be more on the extreme edge of "don't care, got all the time in the world").

I got about five days before she leaves, how can I apply a strategy that requires time? I almost want to try kissing her or something and see if she takes it, but then again I have a feeling that may **** it up, cause weirdness, etc. This girl isn't that attractive, but for some reason I just love her personality. I've been constantly teasing her, talking with her on the phone, etc. but it's going no where.

True Wolf

Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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5 days and you wont see her again? Kiss her. She'll probably deny you, if she does, oh well it'll be for your own good and it'll really get your head out of your ass. If she goes with it? You win. Simple as that. Just do your thang, hangout with her / whatever, cause you don't have the time to try something too radical. As far as what that natural said he's more or less got it right. Learn from him.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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So I'm thinking next time I'm riding around with her in her car, I'll lean in when she's gazing at me (happens every once and a while, usually ends up with me laughing at her after a few seconds).

I know I'll get alot of flak if word goes around that she backed away, seeing she's not too hot, but gotta do what you gotta do.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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She came over randomly to tell me some useless information (basically telling me to tell a friend to call her with directions for a party at his shack). Makes me wonder why she just didn't call. She made up some excuse about dropping off boxes in the area. (She also used this excuse to come pick me up at 3 AM after I told her she should. "I gotta bring some boxes out to your area anyways, so I'll be there in a bit" then somehow she magically forgot the boxes that night)

Anywho, when she came to the door, she told me to step outside with her. Stood there and listened to her talk about how she dyed her hair, my friends party tonight, etc. I just did my best to act natural and not seem excited that she showed up out of the blue.

Although we parted on akward terms, perhaps it was the best way to act about the situation, no?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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Next time you two are together, just go for it. If she sends you any more signs that you don't take, then you don't deserve to even get this girl. She makes up reason after reason to be near/with you. That reason is because she WANTS YOU.

Next time she comes around, just go for it. Don't wait until the end or hesitate. Go for it. Take less than 10 minutes of "hey there" to "*KISS*" It shouldn't even take more than 5, but whatever. Keep us updated though. You seem to be doing good at creating the attraction, just not acting on it.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2005
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i agree with have built up the attraction....with just a few days left you just have to of two things will happen

A. she kisses back - you win
B. she denies - you get experience...shes gone in a couple days so it doesnt matter anyway....long term you win

Bottom Line: Go For It!!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
Well folks just got back from the party and hot damn could I not wait to share the news.

The evening started with us arriving at my friends place, the **** to vagina ratio was not in our favor (4 ****s to 2 vags) but I had one target so I didn't give much of a ****. To start off the evening my friend built a grand fire that lasted about 10 minutes, during this I pulled up a seat right next to her and got some general conversation in. After the fire that'd make Smokey the Bear proud we headed inside for some drinking games.

Played a little "**** the Dealer" and a few other games to pass the time. During this time I'd give her a couple glances and return hers (we sat next to each other) not knowing where exactly this was going, either way I was having a blast.

After everyone got pretty drunk (I was sobering up a little bit) a couple of us guys would head over to the sleeping area we just sat there and screwed around with the girls (tossing them around, beating them with pillows, etc.). I was doing some light-medium kino with her (tickeling, grabbing her sides, drawing on her with a marker) and I could honestly say I knew the evening was going to be good.

Since my friends have a very low alcohol tolerance we just sort of hung around on the beds and talked for a while. I pulled the girl over to me and got right up with her, she didn't seem to mind. ;). After some spooning I took one last look into her eyes and she seemed to give me a little nod... then began the two and a half hour makeout session.

Just made out for the first half-hour or so (nothing too sexual) then after that I began moving myself up. Reached down into the back of her pants and just grabbed a handful of ass and with my other hand moved up the shirt. She was digging it with her heavier sighs and the deeper she'd try to stick her tounge into my mouth. After a good hour since the beginning of the tongue lashing I began to move my hands south. At first she kind of pulled back as I got closer to the sweet spot , but I think it was because she didn't really see it coming. I finally work my way down between the legs when she whispers "no sex", I replied, "It's alright with me" rubbing her trying to pay special attention to the **** area until she got wet. After a few minutes she was pretty wet and God damn was she ever breathing deep. I got two fingers walking her **** like a bassline and she had to stop making out to breathe :p (during this time she was pulling me up to her as close as possible).

I think after a while she could feel my hard-on and she started making her way down my pants slowly grabbing my head. I undid my belt so she could get her hand in there and damn was that a good decision. She started stroking my **** like it was going out of fashion. All was going well until my stupid ass friends came back into the room making enough noise to piss off the Pope, falling ontop of us two, etc. So we eventually had to stop, leaving me with a case of blue balls that hurt so bad it'd make you want to cry.

We laid there both with our pants off under the covers pleasuring each other a bit slower to not gain too much attention. We tried our best to convince my pals to leave the place and perhaps go for a walk but they wouldn't budge so we had to end the night on a sad note. She slept in the same bed and we spooned and made out a little more until we both fell asleep.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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Now let's talk about the aftermath.

I have a gut feeling that both of us will be feeling too akward to get ahold of the other. Maybe not, it's only been a day with no contact...

Any advice? Should I get ahold of her or wait for her to contact me?


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Westchester, NY
itishe said:
Now let's talk about the aftermath.

I have a gut feeling that both of us will be feeling too akward to get ahold of the other. Maybe not, it's only been a day with no contact...

Any advice? Should I get ahold of her or wait for her to contact me?

Wait bro, a day isnt that long...dont get too antsy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
I hear ya, but remember I don't have many of them.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
good story, good inspiration.. shoulda tried that a few months ago.. pff

ghenyways.. never rush, even though you're now into her (i guess) you should hang on, and see what comes.. the fact that she said "no sex" either means she doesnt like you ENOUGH, or isnt ready yet.. MAKE HER (both read and like you even more), though do NOT try too hard.. go easy with the girl

good luck.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
I personally have a feeling it was more of a "not ready" than it was "not liking me enough" emotion.

Was talking to one of her friends that was at the party and she told me this (in a private conversation, but seeing it's a girl it probably won't stay private):

"So did she do that **** purely out of booze?"
"No." "You?"

Then later on:

Me: "what did she think about that whole ordeal though?"
Her: "you guys drank.. got drunk.. did ****.. its over"

Kind of two different meanings.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
Just called her, it was a short conversation. She told me her plans for the night and wants to know if I want to go smoke pot with her and her friend. Told her to call me after she got her plans straight


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
She and a bunch of people came out to my place for a little party. We just sat around and socialized (I was pretty quiet since I'm not too familiar with 3 out of the 6 people).

As for the girl we didn't really talk much (I just wasn't "on" tonight, all this **** is ****ing with me and it's hard to be confident/****y/funny when you're so worried about things), we had a few mini-chats but nothing like before but I see this as anything better than silence and not hanging out with her. I have absolutely no clue where to go from here (farthest I've been emotionally/physically with a girl), but I have a gut feeling this **** won't happen. I'll see if she calls me tomorrow.

I don't know what I want out of this or what I should want out of this seeing she's going to be gone in a matter of a few days and even if something does happen between us she'll be in college.

But all that dreary emotional **** aside, I want to bang her before she goes. God damnit troops step up and help a man!


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Ho ho ho.. stop trying to get laid

a lot of guys fail in chicks just because they focus too much on the banging

id go for another date, movie at your crib.. kiss.. and make out, clothes stay on for 10-20 mins.. panties stay on for 20-30 mins.. then you politely ask if you can hop in (lol)

if she doesnt let you.. tell her you want to share it with her.. you really dont want her to leave, but that IF she leaves you want to have shared the most beautifull thing in life with her

i guess I'd do that..


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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It's hard to get her solo seeing it's her last few days she spends almost every night partying or with about 4-5 girlfriends.

So essentially it sounds like I'm changing my attitude after that night? I need to think in my mind that I don't want to bang her and good things will come?

Buckwild that sounds a bit too sappy for my personality.