As usual this weekend another cute social worker/grad student/school teacher wound up in my bed. She's a fun girl and I'm going to keep seeing her (and my other two plates :rockon: ) As previously discussed here it seems like more and more women are in low paying careers. As for me I'm making ~100k at a good job with a big company. I'm stable and manage my money very well. I don't want to be footing the bill 100% of the time but my very small inner AFC Captain-Save-A-Ho sometimes convinces me to "treat" her more often than I should. Part of me feels like this is just the cost of dating a 24 year old.
My brain says I should just talk about it and get us on the same page but we all know how women respond to logic clearly explained to them from a man :crackup:
How do you address a large income gap between you and your plates or girlfriends?
My brain says I should just talk about it and get us on the same page but we all know how women respond to logic clearly explained to them from a man :crackup:
How do you address a large income gap between you and your plates or girlfriends?