Adderall Game -anyone ever try.


Apr 18, 2011
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We all know that NZT doesn't really exist.

For those not in the know NZT is a pill that allows you to use up to 100% of your brain capacity. Most humans only use 10% of their brains. Einstein was the exception.

The closest thing to NZT is using Adderall. With Adderall, you feel focused, not high, or wired.

You know what you have to do, and how to go about doing it.

I am sure that Adderall will improve people's game as it is the closest
thing to NZT that will make you smarter.



Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
You should try cyanide game. Try that next time you go sarging and you'll never have a dating problem again.


Apr 18, 2011
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Iceberg said:
You should try cyanide game. Try that next time you go sarging and you'll never have a dating problem again.
What should I expect when I take NZT?

Many people report experiencing feelings of euphoria within 30 to 60 seconds of taking NZT. Others have reported significantly increased memory – both in capacity and speed of recall – within the first 24 hours of taking their first dose of NZT. You will be able to digest vast amounts of information in a very short amount of time – a foreign language, for instance; you will be able to memorize not only a considerable amount of vocabulary but usage rules, idiomatics, phrases, sentences and situational expressions.

Because NZT is a new class of brain stimulant, it will reduce your brain’s need for extended rest periods; i.e. sleep.

Also, NZT may allow you to exercise for longer periods with greater efficacy. You will feel stronger, faster, more focused.

Most people who continue taking NZT beyond their initial seven-day regimen report other psychological and sensory enhancements including improved hearing, vision, taste and smell. Others have reported teaching themselves how to draw or paint, construct complex machinery or experience higher levels of consciousness.

Can NZT really make me more sexually attractive?

While there may be certain neurological effects that impact your sexual abilities, NZT is not like sildenafil which specifically aids in erectile dysfunction. Rather, NZT works principally by radically increasing your brain’s ability to absorb and process information – including those related to your senses. Some men and women have reported that having heightened sensory abilities – in addition to increased mental capacity – made them both more attractive to a mate and more capable of attracting a mate.


This is a serious thread,

Taking adderall will give you increased mental capacity,

thus increasing your game as well? Right?


Apr 9, 2010
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Adderall is basically a small dosage of meth. I wouldn't recommend it.


Apr 18, 2011
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SeymourCake said:
Adderall is basically a small dosage of meth. I wouldn't recommend it.
Reality seems to be following in similar footsteps, with a pill called "Provigil"--intended to help those with sleeping disorders--that appears to be giving people super-intelligence. Cognitive tests performed by ABC News conclude that the testimonials are true: Provigil does in fact increase a user's cognitive performance while on the pill and the argument of the users is thus:

The pill increases their success in life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
gspshields2 said:
Reality seems to be following in similar footsteps, with a pill called "Provigil"--intended to help those with sleeping disorders--that appears to be giving people super-intelligence. Cognitive tests performed by ABC News conclude that the testimonials are true: Provigil does in fact increase a user's cognitive performance while on the pill and the argument of the users is thus:

The pill increases their success in life.

Cool. Then it's decided - you will take the pills.

No need to talk about it anymore.

End of thread, right?


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Cool. Then it's decided - you will take the pills.

No need to talk about it anymore.

End of thread, right?

Prior to considering even taking these super intelligence pills, I would like to know if anyone had success with them?

Does it make your game better?

Does it really make you smarter?

Are increased memory and cognotive skills attractive to HBs?


The British government is examining the impact of a new generation of drugs that are claimed to make people more intelligent.
While researchers for the Department of Health are assessing the impact of a new generation of cognition enhancing drugs, warnings are already being voiced over the misuse of the so-called 'designer drugs'.

Unlike in the 1960s when celebrities such as Dr. Timothy Leary were encouraging American youth to "tune in, turn on and drop out", these new drugs are instead being used to improve young peoples academic performances.

The British government has asked the Academy of Medical Sciences to assess the drugs, of which some are already being widely used in the United States.

Modafinil is one such drug which is licensed in the UK to treat narcolepsy, a rare condition where people suddenly fall asleep, but is widely used by students and busy professionals in the U.S. to give their brains a boost.

The drug has been banned by the International Olympic Committee, along with another stimulant, ephedrine, which has also been tested by the Ministry of Defence.

In a trial on 60 healthy volunteers, Dr. Danielle Turner, of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at Cambridge University, tested the drug out and found as well as keeping them awake, Modafinil had dramatic effects on their brains.
Two hours after they had taken a single dose of Modafinil strong improvements were seen in performance, and as the problems became harder, their performance seemed to improve.

The volunteers say the drug made them feel very alert and able to focus

The drug belongs to a new class of cognition enhancing drugs invented by Professor Gary Lynch, from the University of California, Irvine, who helped invent another class called Ampakines.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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If you want to go this route I think you should find a nootropic stack instead. Like, say, racetams. They're safer.

Adderall is depressing and can affect the heart badly. Just say no.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
The idea of NZT is made by someone who has no idea how the brain works.

A human being can never ever use 100% of their brain capacity not even close.

Parts of your brain are reserved to carry out all the functions you don't even realize is going on like breathing and muscle contraction to counteract gravity.

Not to mention each choice and thought you do represents a different pathway in your brain. Want to guess what happens when two conflicting pathways run at the same time?

At the very most, these "smart pills" are simply helping to release neurotransmitters that stimulate neurons in your attention/arousal centers, giving the effect of being "smarter".

As much as you'd like it gspshields, no pill is going to cure your stupid.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
ArcBound said:
At the very most, these "smart pills" are simply helping to release neurotransmitters that stimulate neurons in your attention/arousal centers, giving the effect of being "smarter".
This will certainly boost Self Confidence. Thus improving Game?

"Alpha Brain's most noticeable impact on hunting was making it easier to wake up early. Since I'm typically not a morning person, this was striking, and helpful. I also felt slightly more organized, and a curious sense of emotional stability. These changes could also be attributed to parenthood, and my determination to do the deed and get home as soon as possible."

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Cool. Then it's decided - you will take the pills.

No need to talk about it anymore.

End of thread, right?
Why are you responding to a bot?


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Malice said:
Why are you responding to a bot?
This is a legimate topic thats been discussed briefly.

A post from another user about Adderall:

"Anyone tried this? I just started taking them when I need to study or whatever...All I can say is it is awesome. Im in a great mood all day, and am full of energy and motivation. If my state and inner game could be like this all the time, I would have the potential to become an unbelievable pua.

It's hard explain. It's like having the social aspects of being drunk, except you are completely focused and aware of everything going on around you. The best word to describe it is "euphoria." I am friendlier and a more interesting person. I basically have unlimited confidence.

I know it is not good to rely on drugs etc to do things b/c when you don't have them you become weaker. Anyways just figured some people should try this"


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2012
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I also heard that it's good to take estrogen because it helps you get in tune with the female mind. Anyone tried estrogen game?

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
This is a legimate topic thats been discussed briefly.

A post from another user about Adderall:

"Anyone tried this? I just started taking them when I need to study or whatever...All I can say is it is awesome. Im in a great mood all day, and am full of energy and motivation. If my state and inner game could be like this all the time, I would have the potential to become an unbelievable pua.

It's hard explain. It's like having the social aspects of being drunk, except you are completely focused and aware of everything going on around you. The best word to describe it is "euphoria." I am friendlier and a more interesting person. I basically have unlimited confidence.

I know it is not good to rely on drugs etc to do things b/c when you don't have them you become weaker. Anyways just figured some people should try this"

You only get the euphoria if you abuse it. When you abuse it the high is great but the crash is not worth it, plus you get addicted and want to take more and more.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
The funny thing about gspshields is that you all know that he's a troll, yet you all continue to respond to his threads as if he were a real person.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mantis Toboggan said:
The funny thing about gspshields is that you all know that he's a troll, yet you all continue to respond to his threads as if he were a real person.
Forget you man, im not trolling, im contributing.

This could seriously help alot of guys overcome confidence,
intelligence, focus issues, keep reading:

They are all around us, a secret society of the successful. They say what gives them an advantage, though, isn't just purposefulness or perseverance but a little secret weapon, a pill called Provigil.

There is the lobbyist, who wakes up at 5 a.m. to complete two full workouts before heading to work.

"I could not do this without Provigil. You know, it just wouldn't be the same," she told ABC News, asking that ABC News not identify her. "It's amazing. ... I just don't get ... why more people don't know about it."

John Withers, a computer programmer, can write code for 12 hours at a time.

"It helps you focus up for exceptionally long periods of time," he said.

And then there is the brain researcher who can find connections no one else is seeing. She asked that we not name her.

"It's just a clear day," she said. "The fog isn't there."

Provigil is approved only for narcolepsy, sleep apnea or for people who work irregular hours, but hidden among those who take it are pockets of healthy Americans taking it just to boost energy and enhance focus. It excites the mind so much that Provigil has been nicknamed "Viagra for the brain."


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
I got some adderall from a friend in high school, and say yea it is just like speed. No sleep, loss of appitite, and im skinny already so thats no dice,
but yea i chatted up girls like a typhoon and it def. upped my confidence and stuff.



Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
I've been on the medication for several years, I actually try to be on as low a dose as possible because you get a really "tunnel vision" focus effect which is almost never useful for being social. Sometimes I let my friends have a pill and they find the social effect even more pronounced because they don't have a tolerance.

Just imagine overthinking everything at a party, breaking down every little movement or speech inflection. It isn't useful, it just paralyzes you. On the other hand, if you have a paper to edit or you need to clean the house go for it.

Of course it's only one opinion but at this point I have a fair amount of experience with the pills and (not to be bragging) pretty decent "game." If I know I'm going to a party I try to take the things as early in the day as possible so they're wearing off when I arrive. Being unfocused is so much better.