Master Don Juan
I have ADD. I can't focus for sh*t. I hate it! My mind goes off and races. As much as I try to focus I still get bits and peices of information and I have to put it all together with my conscious mind to get "the whole picture". In being a DJ's case I can't focus on the most important thing, being a DJ so I can get the girl. Instead my mind get lost in its own thoughts.
My psychologist who I haven't seen in months told me that ADD is developed, and not something that you are born with. It is developed at a young age, usually when a child is very smart. SO smart and ahead of the class in school that the child does not need to develop essential learning skills like focusing... that is, at that age. Then as time goes on and school gets harder, since they have not developed any learning skills school gets really hard for them. Therefore I think if I know exactly what to do to cure this I can do it WITHOUT taking any medication. Maybe some focusing exersices, to MAKE you focus so that with practice I can start focusing better on things. I think most depression, and "MIND DISEASES" can be cured in some way without medications.
I beleive that the reason why I am so self conscious of everything is because I have ADD, thus making me extremely shy also because I am super conscious of my own thinking, peoples judgements, what is going on around me and my environment, and basically I am so aware of everything that its even scary, and with being aware of everything even brings its own thoughts. This makes it very hard to focus. I am not self conscious of just being in the presence of people, but I am self conscious ALL THE TIME, even when I am alone. I am also very conscious of my own thinking. Alot of times I am thinking of thinking. I know its weird, but right now as I am also writing this I am superconscious of my every thought inside my head so I can explain this.
DJs on this forum have even told me this, that my posts are usually just alot of streams of consiousness.
Its like my mind tries its hardest to be conscious of everything. My ADD is different than other people. Perhaps mine is more developed because I have thought of remedies but have become tramautized by societies harsh views of people with ADD that now my mind is just trying to be consious of everything I guess to try to prevent me from talking like a maniac switching from subject to subject and sounding like a fool.
I actually used to be a "talking maniac switching from subject to subject sounding like a fool" from elementary to middle school and beginning of my 9th grade year. But people ripped on me so much that I made an attempt to be more consious of what I say before I say it, but now its gotten so far that its just me being conscious of EVERYTHING. My mind get overwhelmed...... I am having trouble explaining all this because it is crazy!
Ok do you guys have a pounding headache yet? lol
FVCK! How many times have I said the word conscious already? lol
All this is really starting to make me feel depressed and hopeless because I am not up to par with everyone else. Just think, I can't even become a true DJ with this sh*t. Damn then what the hell am I doing on this earth. Am I just a useless human being? I do have a high IQ though......
Anyways, I would like to hear the thoughts of you guys with ADD. How does it affect you? Does anyone know at least of any excersices to help focusing. Anyone who would like to help me?
My psychologist who I haven't seen in months told me that ADD is developed, and not something that you are born with. It is developed at a young age, usually when a child is very smart. SO smart and ahead of the class in school that the child does not need to develop essential learning skills like focusing... that is, at that age. Then as time goes on and school gets harder, since they have not developed any learning skills school gets really hard for them. Therefore I think if I know exactly what to do to cure this I can do it WITHOUT taking any medication. Maybe some focusing exersices, to MAKE you focus so that with practice I can start focusing better on things. I think most depression, and "MIND DISEASES" can be cured in some way without medications.
I beleive that the reason why I am so self conscious of everything is because I have ADD, thus making me extremely shy also because I am super conscious of my own thinking, peoples judgements, what is going on around me and my environment, and basically I am so aware of everything that its even scary, and with being aware of everything even brings its own thoughts. This makes it very hard to focus. I am not self conscious of just being in the presence of people, but I am self conscious ALL THE TIME, even when I am alone. I am also very conscious of my own thinking. Alot of times I am thinking of thinking. I know its weird, but right now as I am also writing this I am superconscious of my every thought inside my head so I can explain this.
DJs on this forum have even told me this, that my posts are usually just alot of streams of consiousness.
Its like my mind tries its hardest to be conscious of everything. My ADD is different than other people. Perhaps mine is more developed because I have thought of remedies but have become tramautized by societies harsh views of people with ADD that now my mind is just trying to be consious of everything I guess to try to prevent me from talking like a maniac switching from subject to subject and sounding like a fool.
I actually used to be a "talking maniac switching from subject to subject sounding like a fool" from elementary to middle school and beginning of my 9th grade year. But people ripped on me so much that I made an attempt to be more consious of what I say before I say it, but now its gotten so far that its just me being conscious of EVERYTHING. My mind get overwhelmed...... I am having trouble explaining all this because it is crazy!
Ok do you guys have a pounding headache yet? lol
FVCK! How many times have I said the word conscious already? lol
All this is really starting to make me feel depressed and hopeless because I am not up to par with everyone else. Just think, I can't even become a true DJ with this sh*t. Damn then what the hell am I doing on this earth. Am I just a useless human being? I do have a high IQ though......
Anyways, I would like to hear the thoughts of you guys with ADD. How does it affect you? Does anyone know at least of any excersices to help focusing. Anyone who would like to help me?