Ok guys, my argurment is this. I am not saying acting gay to get into a long term relationship witha girl. I am saying acting gay to get girls in bed. I have talked to numerous gay guys now, and most of them have had girls sometime in their past. Tehy said that many times, girls just get all over them and they sleep around with a bunch of girls because girls just love gay guys for some reason. I am going to try it out and give you all a field report. BY THE WAY, have you all gone into a gay club before?
I know 90% of you all have gone into a gay club for one reason or another. See what its like, group of girls took you in there, you have gay friends, or whatever the reason. I see so many girls in there cuz they are trying to have fun without having to be pestered by guys in the straight clubs. I will admit to you all too, that one of my female friends took me in a gay club, my guy friend and I picked up some straight girls in there.