Working with accountants and have a degree in it, I can say...
[] It pays well, but you'll kill yourself during tax season.
[] It's very technical and requires a thorough understanding of tax laws.
[] There's lots of lateral opportunity within the accounting field, to private or public accounting work.
[] So long as taxes remaing, so too will accountants.
[] Accountants understand the language of business, but rarely can RUN a business. If you can run a business, then you can make alot of money RUNNING your own firm, since accounting as a field is on the decline.
[] An Accountant who does Financial Planning and Advising can make millions.
[] There are 2 types of accountants...those who are BUSINESS people working in the accounting profession, and those who are ACCOUNTANTS doing business. The former makes millions, the latter makes thousands.
[] Accountants are uniquely positioned to be investors in their own community, by aligning with other professionals requiring their services, they can obtain clients and refer clients to other professionals. Many local accountants who are savy invest in R/E and other enterprises. Accounting, for them, was a place to start and understand numbers, not a graveyard where their career ended.
[] If you elect private work as a CPA in a public firm, being good with people is a plus, and will pad your pay, and enable you the ability to breakaway someday. Working with people will always be of value, and being only technically minded, aside from being an inventor or scientist, will religate someone to only being an Economic Unit, rather than a person. If you are highly technical and want to remain so, then just acquire and ever growing base of knowledge.