OP is simply proving why his women are scarce. Misery wants company.Brilliant. So let's all spew "Abundance Mentality" to everyone and they can only have "Abundance Mentality" if they already have abundance. That's like asking a billionaire how to become a billionaire and he tells you: "Billionaire Mentality! If you already have billions you have "Billionaire Mentality"! Fantastic.
"Abundance Mentality" sounds more like a hoarding disorder for shut ins. What's next? Crazy Lady Cat collecting mentality? And then you walk up to non pet owners and parrot "cat collecting mentality"! LMAO.
And this "abundance mentality" affords you the choice to instead post about "abundance mentality" on SS every chance you get rather than simply not bothering with SS and actually enjoying your "abundance". Hilarious.
Having options is needy??"abundance mentality" is nothing more than needy, validation seeking wishful thinking. Keep living in cartoon fantasy world with a "mentality" and not reality.
Ok, now I think OP is a virgin.