Something I've noticed.
Some thoughts...
Whatever you need, you won't get. What you want, but don't yearn for, will appear.
I suggest, in addition to the bible reading:
The Way of the Superior Man
Anything by Stuart Wilde
Some David Stuff.
If you emailed him, he'd crack you with an email hammer for just USING C&F toward her. People "sense" fakeness in any direction,so by virtue of laying out "strategies" you use, it won't happen.
You can make this possible by sparking attraction, but unfortunately, bud, the nature of your post speaks of someone who's 'inner' game isn't in order. This isn't to say to not make a play at her, do so, but realize you can have other women, and you only want a woman who wants you.
A man is weakened if he needs a woman. His core purpose is his life and what he does with it. A woman senses this, through his actions, body language, and speaking. In casual passing, you might suggest something, or work her over to your place to try wine, but find out what she likes first. Gather info.
Oh, and if you go for her while has a BF, you've got no shot. Women like to play the relationship out until they're emotionally spent and can turn and walk away. This gives them the strength to NOT feel like bad girls, and keeps consistent with their self-image of being "good" and "princess-like." (Even Derringer who randomly show a few police officers didn't see himself as bad person at heart, even though he cold-bloodedly murder cops.)
Don't play the game of needing her like a fix, or trying to work, or maniuplate her into your life. She will respect, and even approach a relationship fully if she respects the man. He's supposed to be a source of power in her life, stability, guidance, and so forth. Even guys who are AFCS marry, and they end up doing ok for those women, but the more feminine energy you get, and the more feminine the woman, the more likely she is to fluctuate emotionally, requiring a stronger man to curtail those emotions. Fundamentally, the need you display by using 'C&F' cards could only hinder its intention is for an outcome, which if you've read myself is a clear route to destruction.
I went out last night with a cutie who had an online profile (I do, too), and busted her balls for having one. She gets like 10 responses/day, to my 2, and I asked her how they went. She said:
"most guys are too nice, or too fake. you're kinda mean, but in a fun way. spending time with you is fun, as life's meant to be."
This she spoke of all guys that contacted her. And here was a girl who was talking about 3-somes, and sex, and still was a professional, so there's definately traits or personality features that elicit responses, knowing them, and letting them flow naturally SHOULD be your goal, not donning the 'masks' of various guru's.
Good luck.
Lean back.
And enjoy the feminine beauty of your building. You could try tagging a single girl, or spending time with 1, and getting the hottie to see this. It won't start comp necessarily, but it will change the light of who you are.