so you tell me how I'm supposed to interpret this. I casually refer to b!tches as b!tches myself, but your entire post came across as frustrated and bitter.
True - when I posted those posts a few weeks ago I was pissed off - but there's a difference between being pissed off and being frustrated and bitter. Hell, your post got under my skin a little but that doesn't make me frustrated and bitter does it? The girl doesn't want to give me the puzzy - that's fine, it's her perogative - no big deal really - but when I think someone is patronizing me I do get pissed. Had nothing do with her not giving me the puzzy - that was old news at that point.
Just exactly how does she need a reality check?
She needs(ed) a reality check because I got the impression that she thought I was still chasing after her. Not only that I am chasing after her but that "she may have to tell me things that I don't want to hear and that she knows I'm strong enough and can handle it" - gimme a fvcking break. That is one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever heard. We went out on a couple of dates and things didn't really go anywhere. Why the hell do I have to be "strong enough" to handle anything.
FACT: She has low interest in you. She has used many different excuses, even religion, to tell you she isn't interested.
True. I recognized this - thanks in part to some advice I received from this board no less. Her reasons really are irrelevant - I have learned not to worry about what the reasons are and judge actions - nevertheless there were times that I received mixed signals but the bottom line is that no intimacy = no interest in my book.
FACT: You tried to play her low interest off like it was a character flaw.
Not true. Again the reasons are irrelevant (is it that she doesn't know a good thing when she's got it, is it that she doesn't find me physically attractive, it it that she's still hung up on this other dude, etc,etc,etc) Who cares? I NEVER had a problem with her UNTIL she made a statement that I took to be disrepectful and/or patronizing and/or belittling.
Believe me I have long since given up, decided to take the high road and be her "friend" but all of my "friends" treat me with respect or they do not remain my friends.
Ok, so we agree that you won't get this girl. Then why are you arguing with me?
Because instead of criticizing me with some tact you decided to jump all over me, make a ton of assumptions about a situation you know very little about and otherwise come off as an a$$hole.
I can see you at least subconsiously understand that what I say is true by the fact that you became intensely emotional over my comments.
More assumptions - I love how you can judge my emotional state through
text. Intensely emotional??? Please.
FACT: If I think someone is an a$$hole, I tell them. That does not necessarily mean that I really give a rat's ass what they think. You are like this girl in that you both PRESUME that ANYTHING you say or do would actually have any meaningful effect on me. Please.
Again I say "meaningful effect" because I'd be lying if both your and her comments didn't bother me AT ALL.
If that were true this thread wouldn't exist and I wouldn't be typing this post.
If you want to pursue that which you won't get, that's your choice. Enjoy.
Like I've stated before, pursuit ended a long time ago. Even when I do nothing I am pursuing?
This whole thread is an experiment. - I am curious, period. To be completely honest I wasn't going to dig this thread back up becuase I have next to zero motivation in trying to "turn" this girl (other than to satisfy my lingering curiousity of if it's at all possible).