Yes, it is "by the book", but you gotta imagine that 'doc' doesn't know what the background is of his customers. He's got to assume the guy buying his system is a complete loser, clueless, nerd, AFC. He's got to assume that the guy needs everything covered from the feet on up as far as finding a decent chik. He's got to assume the guy has never seen this site or any like it.
Notice I said "decent" chick. You mentioned that some of the tactics would tend to delete some puzzy. True, and right up front he says this is for guys looking for 'her'. If all you want is snatch then you can get it on almost any streetcorner, at the local university, anywhere there are lonely, desperate women.
Anyway, yes the system is somewhat rigid and formulaic, geared toward weeding out all and I mean ALL the gold-diggers, mercenaries, flakes, skanks, liars, cheat, head cases, you name it. Would there occasionally be some great sex in there? Yes, but again he's selling to guys who don't necessarily want to date just for the sake of dating. He's looking for guys who see dating as a specific means to an end, and not some lifetime social hobby. Hell, if you are comfortable enough with dating already and find it that pleasant, then you're NOT going to buy the book.
I bought it 3 years ago and at first was disappointed enough to want to send it back a few times within the first 30 day trial period. But I kept it and have learned that just like other things meant to be guidelines, there's a lot of latitude for adjusting and making things your own unique style. Like I did. After I read it a few times, I was grateful for the occasional rigidity and by the numbers, until I had dated a dozen or so women and began to feel much more comforatble with the idea of 'challenge' and getting in touch with my innate but heretofore subjugated maleness.