Okay, another round
LikRetSam, you self-improve to feel good about yourself? And consequently get more respect from your peers?
Drowning, so you self-improve to have a SOLID and CONCRETE reason to feel good about yourself? A irrefutable reason for you to appreciate yourself more, and doing so, making things easier for you to socialize?
BWSL2, now we're talking. Truth isn't out there in the corner, is closer than you think! You're right, at the stage you're at, it does sound vague. Chill because you're almost there
Radical subjectivity eventually leads to total objectivity.
Julius_Caesar, in some aspects you're right. But still you stated a procedure than a whole method.
Julian, is right on the money, but too generic. Everyone wants that.
gav, you surely need some mental toughness. I made a simple question and you've gotten all hyped up. It's good to see you put FEELINGS in the things you do, it's awesome to have passion. But be careful, maybe there's some DESPERATION riding along and there shouldn't be.
Engetsu, have you realized that some of the most obvious things in life are the hardest to explain? You want to be happy, that's fine, but, how are you going to live your whole life without contradicting your notions of happines?
You might happen to have one notion of happiness and its consequences may interfere your future notions of happiness, ever stopped to think about that?
Sammo, even though you're still stuck in a let's not say entirely wrong paradigm, yet not completely right paradigm, you're closer to it. Closer than you'd ever think.
drixsa, Happiness is abstract, subjective and individualistic. It's the same of me saying: "My objective is to LOVE."
Love what? The trees? Your dog? Your girlfriend? Your familiy? Or even in hour twisted human psyche, to LOVE to hate something?
I'll disregard your first coments. I was suicidal before I came to sosuave, and finally I have understood the reason that led me and still leads many more people to depression, suicidal thoughts, insecurity and self-depreciation.
Need--2-B-Pimpin, TONE, is related to SOUND. I wrote silent letters in an internet forum. How the hell could you know my TONE?
What if the reason of this post is reaching 67 pages and then saying: "Yeah folks, you're all right! Rock On!"
It's misperceptions like these that create 99% of the problems of the world.