About displaying mystery


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
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I'm naturally a quiet/reserved kid, so I embraced generating mystery with girls. I understand the less they know, the more they want to know and this builds attraction. What I do is act reserved, but in a cool calm way. When girls speak to me I make great eye contact (which i just learned is gold) and talk much slower and never release much information about myself.

There is one problem though. This one girl hb8 came into some dorm room I was in where I was just chillin out. She goes "Let's play a game called lets find out about Voice". I was like "we'll what do we want to find out?" Basically she was like what do you like to do. I tried to stall as much as I can, but eventually I was like "we'll I like to play tennis". Then I tried to change the subject.

Man what do you do in this situation? It's obvious she showed interest and she's not bad in fact she lives in the dorm next to mine. I just want to preserve this mystery the best I can.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2008
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You need to learn how to speak like a politician, there a term for it but damm i forgot how, it somehting like vague sentences or some ****.

It goes something like this, "it takes money to make money"
So this line at first makes sense, but different people will react differently through it.

Or "Go Green"
It too general and yet specific, you can give general statement, act oppsite within the general statement. Does it makes sense? I think not here an example

She: What would you like to do?
You: Sports, something to get me all sweaty,
She: Yeah, like?
You: Well lots of body contact, skills involve etc....
She: Like what? basketball, football, soccer etc...
You: Oh no, way out for me, i like dancing in the clubs, works out a good sweat and lots of body contact : )

Some **** like above, unexpected kinda thing which still fits in sports, well sort of. It the best i can come up with such a short time, but i think you get the drift


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2008
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Kwothe said:
You need to learn how to speak like a politician, there a term for it but damm i forgot how, it somehting like vague sentences or some ****.

It goes something like this, "it takes money to make money"
So this line at first makes sense, but different people will react differently through it.

Or "Go Green"
It too general and yet specific, you can give general statement, act oppsite within the general statement. Does it makes sense? I think not here an example

She: What would you like to do?
You: Sports, something to get me all sweaty,
She: Yeah, like?
You: Well lots of body contact, skills involve etc....
She: Like what? basketball, football, soccer etc...
You: Oh no, way out for me, i like dancing in the clubs, works out a good sweat and lots of body contact : )

Some **** like above, unexpected kinda thing which still fits in sports, well sort of. It the best i can come up with such a short time, but i think you get the drift
Ha.. does that really work? I do that naturally sometimes without knowing it until know.. but a lot of people don't seem to follow my train of thought so I have avoided doing it. Maybe I need to speak slower and more dramtic


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Well it does work, but you need to get more practise, see how does your response goes. Or better yet, see how the politician comm, they deliver with belief, passion and faith, maybe you dont get that across while you comm?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Who cares if she knows you like tennis. Find out something about her and tease her about it. Flip it around.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
oh yeah, sharinganuser reminds, he who ask question control the situation.

so take the aggresive stand, ask all the question, answer some but makes sure the ball is on her side of the court 70% to 80% of the time, by the time she leaves, she just realised you know more about her than she knows you.
Gurls hate this, so definatley she come again, you do that again. It drives women mad!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
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I really don't care so much that she knows I like tennis or something like that. I just don't really want to reveal so much about me.

So what I learned was to redirect a question back at her and keep the subject on her. That makes plenty of sense. Another thing is she did it in front of a group, could this be like a **** test to see if I could handle the social pressure?


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
you're analyzing this chick too much. Less feeling and more action. Just be your mysterious self w/o trying and keep the subject on her. It seems like this chick is interested in you, so take that and run with it. The more you analyze, the more your actions will reflect all this worrying and you'll lose the game.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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Wow whats wrong with you guys, this is a chick, you don't need some mysterious politician word playing skills. Just be a normal person for christ sakes... the girl was only trying to get to know you better because that's what normal people do when they meet someone new. Like Dee said stop over analyzing this. If you feel the need to over analyze something, analyze the life you want to live and how to make that 100% reality.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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Dude at some point, you're going to have to build a comfortable rapport with her which includes sharing little tidbits about yourself.

When we say, don't reveal too much about yourself, it's usually directed to guys who spill out their inner most fears, desires, feelings, skeletons in the closet, etc. You know, stuff like, "My father beat me and that's why I'm shy." You don't want to tell them crap like that.

I think Rollo said this which summarizes displaying mystery well, "Women want to peel layers off of you. They don't want to eat the whole fruit at once." (something like that...i forget how he worded it...but you get the point)

She might be interested or she just might be trying to be friendly and show everyone that she cares about everyone. Who knows? Only one way to find out. Hang with her more, get hammered, and bang her brains out.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Just because a woman is making an (in this case, lame) attempt to get to know you, does NOT necessarily mean she's attracted to you. This is particularly true in relation to how attractive they perceive themselves to be. It's almost a test to see if she can draw you out of your shell to prove to herself that she is attractive enough to do so. You become an ego game for her, not a "lets see who this guy really is to see if I want to ƒuck him" proposition.

You see, it's one thing to mete out your attentions, allow a woman to follow the bread crumbs you lead her with, rewarding her by allowing her to read another chapter from the book of you - and it's quite another to reclusively isolate yourself off in order to make some girl prove she's so into you that she must make these herculean efforts to draw you out. Don't build walls. Insecure people do that and it's the first indicator that you are.

Law 18: Do Not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself— Isolation is Dangerous
The world is dangerous and enemies are everywhere — everyone has to protect themselves. A fortress seems the safest. But isolation exposes you to more dangers than it protects you from - it cuts you off from valuable information, it makes you conspicuous and an easy target. Better to circulate among people, find allies, mingle. You are shielded from your enemies by the crowd.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
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In the club/bars
BE REALLLLL!!!!! No need for mystery or being FAKE.... If you aren't willing to show who the true you is, then you are hiding and being fake...

Express yourselves - Be an identity - be the real you, a confident you, and like yourself!

Trust me when you are relaxed and really just expressing who you are and being cool chill and talking to her about things that excite you and that motivate you in this world - then attraction and rapport/trust will go through the roof.

Goddammit EVERYONE STOP GAMING! Just express yourself and fvck her like a wildman!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
EFFORT said:
Wow whats wrong with you guys, this is a chick, you don't need some mysterious politician word playing skills. Just be a normal person for christ sakes... the girl was only trying to get to know you better because that's what normal people do when they meet someone new. Like Dee said stop over analyzing this. If you feel the need to over analyze something, analyze the life you want to live and how to make that 100% reality.
I couldnt have said it better myself.You guys take this stuff way too seriously


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Randallpink83 said:
BE REALLLLL!!!!! No need for mystery or being FAKE.... If you aren't willing to show who the true you is, then you are hiding and being fake...

Express yourselves - Be an identity - be the real you, a confident you, and like yourself!

Trust me when you are relaxed and really just expressing who you are and being cool chill and talking to her about things that excite you and that motivate you in this world - then attraction and rapport/trust will go through the roof.

Goddammit EVERYONE STOP GAMING! Just express yourself and fvck her like a wildman!
I'm not faking anything. I'm just an introverted person. Girls find that mysterious, I'm not trying to be something I'm not. Isn't it acceptable to have quiet confidence? Damn I can't stand loud people in general, thats not who I am. Besides girls dig my voice. I like to use it to my advantage.

Rollo, I can see what you were saying. This girl is definably using this as an ego boost, but at the same time I'm confident there is interest there because she basically singled me out. This girl is an AW or AG I guess. All the other girls follow her around on my floor. How do you deal with the AW types?

Maybe I am over analyzing this **** too much. I'm not even that interested in her anyway. But, hey thanks for the feedback. I'm just trying to learn.


New Member
Sep 19, 2008
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just ask her to an event and see what happens. you'll find your answer there.