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...about Death


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
the more I research humans and our lifespan the more scared I become as I get older...supposedly humans aren't suppose to live past 30 - 35...anything past that and our bodies begin to degenerate, and develop diseases that are caused simply from being around to long...

I'm gonna be 27 in 2 days and theres still so much to accomplish and learn..I still feel immature and young..but according to biology i should be approaching my last days. As I age I get to look forward to cancer, muscle degradation, an atrophied brain, loss of sex drive..basically falling apart painfully till I die, its weird but now I'm starting to consider those injections you get for a painless death...I would hate to grow old suffering before I die.

Why am I feeling like this ?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Drum&Bass said:
the more I research humans and our lifespan the more scared I become as I get older...supposedly humans aren't suppose to live past 30 - 35...anything past that and our bodies begin to degenerate, and develop diseases that are caused simply from being around to long...

I'm gonna be 27 in 2 days and theres still so much to accomplish and learn..I still feel immature and young..but according to biology i should be approaching my last days. As I age I get to look forward to cancer, muscle degradation, an atrophied brain, loss of sex drive..basically falling apart painfully till I die, its weird but now I'm starting to consider those injections you get for a painless death...I would hate to grow old suffering before I die.

Why am I feeling like this ?
you have a bad case of what i call "im dreading my upcoming 30th bday ".
we all know why we dread it, its because when we were little we told our siblings and friends that when we got old, like 30, we were going to do all these things....
you arent falling apart yet man, but sometimes it feels like it huh?
30 is more than getting older, its a whole new phase of life.
30 is when the tiny small things, just dont make you as upset anymore, sometimes you find them funny.
30 is when you finally just dont care what others say behind your back, and you just arent as scared to speak up anymore.

death is only horrible to those of us who watch our loved ones go. its because we miss them and we have trouble moving past that.
death to the person who is dying, is something entirely different.
many who have had near death experiences claim that there is so much more in the afterlife than you could possibly dream up here on earth.
they say that being alive on earth is like living under a veil.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA
where'd you get this idea that we weren't meant to live past 30-35?

i'm 32 and feel better now than i did in my 20's. but that's probably because i work out more now than i did back then.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
san diego, ca
D&B, turn down the dieselboy and try some new hobbies. It's obvious you're trying to incite people unless you've been living in a commune which I doubt. Maybe you should call your funeral director and get things in order as it's never too early...according to you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
im 32 and feel younger than when i was 25.

40 pounds lighter. career finally going full steam. life is great.

i felt like you did (sort of) in my late twenties. every time you hit (or approach) an 0 number - 20,30,40,50, etc. it causes you to reflect on yoru life.

life aint forever dude. dont worry about death. it will come when it comes. just enjoy what you got while you can.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Yo Drum & Bass,

I'm maybe 14 years older than YOU, man. And I can TRUTHFULLY tell you that i'm in better physical shape, wiser, and more inspired to do WORTHWHILE things with my life than I was when I was your age. Oh, and by the way, I also attract a wider range of women (19-40) too. Got some 24 year-old HOTNESS practically begging to see me tomorrow. But I digress...

I don't know WHAT you are reading man, but I suspect it's some wack-assed science text book type stuff. Science is great, but just like medicine, it's an ever-evolving thing----it has limitations and many undiscovered aspects to it. In other words, all science is a work in progress...

Recognize that ONE reason they keep changing science text books in schools(OTHER than just because it's a HUGE money-making racket), is because what scientists actually know KEEPS needing to be REVISED. Why? Because human biology is SO complex in it's design that they discover new things about it ALL THE TIME.

Even what they THINK they know about the physical body and medicine in general is often SUSPECT----look at how many FDA approved drugs are being recalled every month. So don't live your life based on what you read in text books ONLY.

I suggest to you that you instead start opening your eyes and focusing on other things. Proof that we can live long AND strong is evident in how cases of disease and disability are nowhere near as rampant in other cultures as they are here in America---the most well-fed, MALNUTRITIONED country on the face of the earth.

Those OTHER people are obviously doing SOMETHING right---whether it's through diet, exercise, lifestyle, de-stressing through meditation, or TRUE spirituality.

Heck I even saw recently how 92-year old fitness guru, JACK LELANE had more stamina demonstrating certain exercises than a 20-something, Fit-TV physical trainer! WTF???? lol

Many people don't like to talk about spirituality because they either confuse the topic with man-made "religion", or because they don't personally believe in it, or simply because it makes THEM feel uncomfortable.

And I RESPECT all of those viewpoints and their rights to voice their differences of opinion. But in return, due to the show of respect that I extend towards them, I ALSO expect to receive that same amount of RESPECTFUL disagreement in return. After all, we are MATURE, aren't we?

Having said that, Drum & Bass, I would suggest to you that you connect or reconnect with writings and/or meditations that noursish your soul and spirit.

I believe that everything that we SEE is physical and temporary, and everything that we DON'T see is spiritual and eternal. Through this spiritual realm, all things SEEN are created. YOU know this is true because as a fellow musician/artist, the ideas you put down in music or on paper are a result of you using your ability to access this UNSEEN realm.

Just as you don't actually "see" with your eyes, but rather "through" your eyes, the same is true in the area of your mental faculties. I suspect that we don't actually create with our minds, but rather "through" our minds.

And guess what? Pictures and Sounds never really disipate...they only recreate...to ANOTHER place and time.

For those of us who are introspective, any life worth living has to be one empowered by MEANING. So focus on nourishing your spirit, and it will change your current outlook----and as a result, you will find that your depression will lift, your peace will manifest, and your enthusiasm to POSITIVELY impact the people and the world around you will return.



Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
People in the "old days" didn't live much past 30 because we were trying to eat woolly mamoths and getting eaten in return by saber tooth tigers! There was no cure for diseases except to cross your fingers and pray to what ever God/Goddess your villiage worshiped. Starving to death was very common as well.

Things are diffrent now. Hell! Some 67 year old woman just had a BABY for pity sakes! And you're already thinking about suicide in the future?

First of all STOP watching "Logan's Run" (A 70's Sci-Fi movie about a perfect society where everyone commited suicide at 30.) and get on with your life. I remember my 30th birthday...IT DIDN'T HURT! I turned 40...IT DIDN'T HURT!
You are going to be fine! Fear is a great paralizer. It does NOT help you in your life. Get out there and live your life!

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Hey WaterTiger,

LOGAN'S RUN is one of my FAVORITE sci-fi movies! And the irony in what you mentioned is that ultimate message of that movie was exactly THE SAME as your advice. Remember, the main character in that movie has an epiphany and basically shouts toward the end of it that:

We don't HAVE to be morbidly focused on dying EARLY...we can go outside the confines of our self-limiting, preconceived notions of our society and----LIVE!

So hey, I don't know, IF the underlying, Life-Affirming message of that movie is embraced, it MIGHT actually be a GREAT movie to recommend. lol


Dang! And I sure HOPE they don't remake it and FUKK it up. But you KNOW how lame-assed Hollywood is...lol

March on.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
WaterTiger said:
People in the "old days" didn't live much past 30 because we were trying to eat woolly mamoths and getting eaten in return by saber tooth tigers! There was no cure for diseases except to cross your fingers and pray to what ever God/Goddess your villiage worshiped. Starving to death was very common as well.

Things are diffrent now. Hell! Some 67 year old woman just had a BABY for pity sakes! And you're already thinking about suicide in the future?
I think it's just the idea that we weren't designed to live past our 30s that bothers some people. Sure it's easy to nowadays, but try that without the aid of modern medicine and other conveniences of our times. Yeah maybe you're in better shape in your 30s or even 40s than you were when you were 18-25, but if you had put a quarter of that effort into staying fit back then, you could've looked just as good. It's a longing for the years when maintaining a youthful look and feel didn't need, well, maintaining. It's just a sign of getting old, and yeah, it can be depressing. At least some of us are putting in an effort to stay fit and healthy, though (hopefully it's a habit I'll continue for a long time). The people who really let themselves go just because they hit the big 3 0 have no one to blame but themselves.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
i dont understand why its depressing at all?

i mean, i do, but im just saying that its irrational thinking that leads to such depression.

life from cradle to grave is a learning process. the way i see it as you get older you open your eyes more, you start to learn more - and i see that as you start to live more.

i mean your teens and even into your twenties, i dont know if id really call that living. you're still in the process of being born if you ask me. you're still developing, still figuring out who you are, still figuring the world out, still figure out what you are willing to commit your time and energy to, etc.

i think perhaps the reason people long for youth is NOT so much about the physicality of being young. heck, there are 30 year old chics that id bang over a 19 year old any day of the week.

i think its more that when you were young you saw life as full of possibility. every year had something new. a new door that opened. at 16 you started to drive. at 17 you go laid. at 18 you could drink. at 19 you moved out and went to college. at 24 you got your first real job. (obviously the dates are different for everyone).

but the point being every year held the promise of some new experience.

so many people though by the time they hit 30 feel as though there are no surprises left in life. their career is what it is. if they've been unlucky with women they figure that will continue. if they are married they figure no more women. if they arent married they figure what are the odds it will happen for them. etc. and it gets worse at 40 and 50 etc. - no more promotions, bored with the wife, taken all the vacations - nothing to really experience for the frist time anymore - just repeats of past experiences.

what happens to many is that their life becomes routine and THAT depresses them.

but the thing is that it really should be the exact opposite. when you hit your 30s your actually starting to build a life based on YOU. not based on external desires like driving or college etc.

and the real revelations of life come after 30 NOT before. if only people would keep looking for them.

this is why some people get in the best shape of their life. not because they are trying to reacapture their youth, but because they've finally decided what they want their life to be - and being fit is part of it.

this is also when people tend to find true and lasting love (sometimes). because they know who they are, they are better at knowing who they are dealing with, and they know what it takes to make things work.

see, the thing is, i think most people dont want to be free. most people want to be pavlonian dogs - told what to do, what to desire, etc.

hitting 30 for many is the completion of the "birthing" process if you will. its the time where you ween yourself from the tit of life and start feeding yourself.

its freedom to pursue whatever path, people, or ideas you want.

unfortunately thats a scary proposition for many. so instead they latch on to routine, live by outdated beliefs they had in their 20s and simple grow old.

i can tell you this much, im 32 and i aint growing old - im evolving! every year i get better. i get better at everything! i get better with women. i get better financially. i get better at my career. i get better physically. on and on and on.

i can't see myself hitting my "prime" until im 50! hell, when im 50 i fully expect to be able to do twice as many puhsups as im doing now!

just because television idolizes youth is no reason to actually buy in to the idiotic belief that getting older sucks. television is filled with idiotic ideas - and unforunately most people buy in to them all.

now dont get me wrong, getting older sucks if you dont evolve. if you're just as stupid and naive and dysfunctional as you were at 20 when you're 40 - damn straight it would be depressing.

but otherwise getting older is awesome.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
Reaction score
I travel
brilliant everyone ! I don't want this thread to ever end !


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
Washington Metro Area
My advice is keep living.

Keep on. You never know when it's it time to go until...

One day at a time. Think of 9/11. There were many who started off the day but never came home to someone.

In Esquire, I read a quote Bruce Willis said, "I think most dead people are surprised they're dead."

- AA


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
I turned 30 18 years ago. I am not making this up: I am faster, stronger, smarter, better, and, above all, happier now than ever in my life.

But I do work hard on my body and my diet.

Since no other truly older men have posted I will go into a bit of detail: I have all my teeth, have great hair, no, I don’t look “young” for my age (too much time out boarding in the sun), but I do look good. No arthritis, no illness any kind (11 months ago broke left arm for 3rd time in a fall).

I have been slammed on this forum for acting like a child with women, but I just feel so good I love to play, and the younger women love it too. I’m around a lot of younger women now and until I found this place (and got divorced) I lacked the skills to take advantage. Now, much to my surprise, I do take advantage.

If you take care of yourself, life truly is good. At any age.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
bravo grinder!

at the end of the day the only question that matters is : are you happy?

anyone who has found happiness, had that happiness challenge, and managed NOT to lose it has found their own personal secret to life.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
The theory about 30 is somewhat questionable. The Bible speaks (no not the DJ one) about living 3 score years and 10. Well that is 70. Sure there is a lot of deterioration over time, but you can control some of it. If you sit in a chair for the next 30 years there will be atrophy. But there would have been atrophy if you just sat in the chair up to 30 as well.

You can find muscular older men in body building who put chubby 25 year olds to shame. This was a "secret" which now has become an open secret.

Did you maybe expect that you would start out life crippled and then get stronger and healthier the longer you lived. Many of the nastiest dictators have died from natural causes as they aged. If it were not for this fact, many people would have suffered longer under their rule than they did. Built in obsolesence is a good thing for some people.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
For the most part, nothing drastic really changes from 20-60 except your skin aging. I don't see why you couldn't be just as happy at 55 as you were at 20.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
This thread has really opened my eyes to the experience, dedication and spirit that I remember from sosuave back in 2003 when I joined thtis community. Seeing the members here who are speaking of how they have not allowed the number of their age be a negative meaning in their life shows power and tenacity to own and create your own realities. Congratulations to all of you who are carving out your path in life and not letting your age (a number) be a ball and chain. Free movement and flexibility will bring you to your desired outcome.