Yo Drum & Bass,
I'm maybe 14 years older than YOU, man. And I can TRUTHFULLY tell you that i'm in better physical shape, wiser, and more inspired to do WORTHWHILE things with my life than I was when I was your age. Oh, and by the way, I also attract a wider range of women (19-40) too. Got some 24 year-old HOTNESS practically begging to see me tomorrow. But I digress...
I don't know WHAT you are reading man, but I suspect it's some wack-assed science
text book type stuff. Science is great, but just like medicine, it's an ever-evolving thing----it has limitations and many undiscovered aspects to it. In other words, all science is a work in progress...
Recognize that ONE reason they keep changing science text books in schools(OTHER than just because it's a HUGE money-making racket), is because what scientists actually know KEEPS needing to be REVISED. Why? Because human biology is SO complex in it's design that they discover new things about it ALL THE TIME.
Even what they THINK they know about the physical body and medicine in general is often SUSPECT----look at how many FDA approved drugs are being recalled every month. So don't live your life based on what you read in text books ONLY.
I suggest to you that you instead start opening your eyes and focusing on other things. Proof that we can live long AND strong is evident in how cases of disease and disability are nowhere near as rampant in other cultures as they are here in America---the most well-fed, MALNUTRITIONED country on the face of the earth.
Those OTHER people are obviously doing SOMETHING right---whether it's through diet, exercise, lifestyle, de-stressing through meditation, or TRUE spirituality.
Heck I even saw recently how 92-year old fitness guru, JACK LELANE had more stamina demonstrating certain exercises than a 20-something, Fit-TV physical trainer! WTF???? lol
Many people don't like to talk about spirituality because they either confuse the topic with man-made "religion", or because they don't personally believe in it, or simply because it makes THEM feel uncomfortable.
And I RESPECT all of those viewpoints and their rights to voice their differences of opinion. But in return, due to the show of respect that I extend towards them, I ALSO expect to receive that same amount of RESPECTFUL disagreement in return. After all, we are MATURE, aren't we?
Having said that, Drum & Bass, I would suggest to you that you connect or reconnect with writings and/or meditations that noursish your soul and spirit.
I believe that everything that we SEE is physical and temporary, and everything that we DON'T see is spiritual and eternal. Through this spiritual realm, all things SEEN are created. YOU know this is true because as a fellow musician/artist, the ideas you put down in music or on paper are a result of you using your ability to access this UNSEEN realm.
Just as you don't actually "see" with your eyes, but rather "through" your eyes, the same is true in the area of your mental faculties. I suspect that we don't actually create with our minds, but rather "through" our minds.
And guess what? Pictures and Sounds never really disipate...they only recreate...to ANOTHER place and time.
For those of us who are introspective, any life worth living has to be one empowered by MEANING. So focus on nourishing your spirit, and it will change your current outlook----and as a result, you will find that your depression will lift, your peace will manifest, and your enthusiasm to POSITIVELY impact the people and the world around you will return.