Thanks for the replies guys!!!
wolf116 said:
I thought I had the same thing but I was just skinny all over. Most skinny guys think that it's only their forearms that need work but they really need to get big all over before they will grow. What is your hight and weight?
Are you on a gym program?
Yon can't really change the size of your wrists but you can build your forearms with grippers, pinch plates and wrist curls and reverse curls and chinups if they are really lagging.
Some guys wear a watch and a wrist band to hide there skinny wrists.
LoneSilver said:
What are your wrist and forearm measurements LAC?
I'm 5'10", 140 lbs. I was on a bulk regiment earlier, but it was extremely hard to get that to work because my metabolism is so darn fast. Right now I'm injured, but when my injury heals I'll be back to the gym in no time. I mean, unlike most people, I actually LIKE to work out at the gym. (just the nutrition part is what I hate >_<)
Now the guy running the gym I'm at said what you said, Manic. He said that if I kept doing compound lifts (bench press, squats, and I do cleans instead of deadlifts), my biceps, forearms and other leg muscles will grow. Those lifts are pretty much the bread and butter, ya know? I heard somewhere the eustress on your spine, from proper squat and deadlift/clean form (not any negative pressures) actually neurologically stimulate muscle growth, so you guys are right.
I mean really, I'm not ripped at all, but I'm not skinny either. I wear alot of different clothing styles, but when I wear baggy clothing, I fill the clothing out in the chest area and everywhere except it looks weird to see two twigs coming out of the arm holes

. If I got my grip strength a little stronger, I could probably snap the two bones in my wrist just by squeezing hard.
Haha, ever seen a snowman? Regular size head, torso and bottom part, then its got two branches sticking out of its sides.
I measured my wrist, its
circumference is <6" (I would say
5.75" to be exact). The watch idea is great, but my wrist is too small to wear any decent looking
men's watch.
Bible_Belt said:
Forearm muscles are important in throwing punches, so you could look at how fighters train. Hitting a heavy bag would help. UFC fighters also like to hit an old tractor tire with a sledge hammer.
I disagree, unless you rotate your wrist for extra torque/power at the end of your punch. Your shoulders and core are just as if not even more important in punching or any MA hand technique for that matter than your arm muscles. When it comes to your arm, your triceps would probably be the most important in punching.
And concerning my ankles....they get injured...
LoneSilver said:
And is this your observaton of yourself or did someone else tell you that you have skinny anormal wrist and forearms?
This is sorta an observation of myself, but at the same time, no one is gonna go up to me and say "Hey, LostAC, your forearms are skinny bro." Also, when you look at someone with exposed arms, whats the first sign that they are a skinny person? Scrawny forearms. I've got a pretty well developed chest/ legs need a bit more work but they are getting there.
One girl said I was scrawny, then I said nothing but took off my shirt (sorta as a joke) and she said I took steroids because "something didn't look right."